Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Koleksi Pustaka

Jenis Pustaka Contoh Judul, Penulis/Penerbit, dan Tahun JumlahEksemplar
(1) (2) (3)
Buku Teks (textbooks)
  1. Prinsip-prinsip elektronika,Albert paul malvino;alih bahasa M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia,Erlangga,1986&1996
  2. Vademekum Elektronika,Wasito S,Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1995
  3. Quantum Elektronics,Yariv, Amnon,Newyork:John Wiley & Sons,1989
  4. Kamus Elektronika Inggris – indonesia,Wasito,Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1996
  5. Field and wave Electromagnetics,Cheng, david K.,New York:Addison-wesley Publishing Company,1989
  6. Molecular Electronic-structure theory,Helgaker, Trygve,New York:john Wiley & Sons LTD.2000
  7. Introduction to the electronic properties of materials,Jiles, David,London: chapman & hall,1993
  8. Eleectronic properties of enggineering materials, Livingston, James D,New York: John Wiley & Sons,inc,1999
  9. Electricity: principles and applications,Fowler, Richard J,New York: Mcgraw-Hill,1999
  10. Electricity-electronics fundamentals: A tekt-lab manual,Zbar, Paul B,New York: Macmilan,1986
  11. Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of basic electricity,Gussow, Milton,New York: McGraw-Hill,1983
  12. Dasar teknik tenaga listrik dan elektronika daya,Zuhal,Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1995
  13. Electromechanics: principles concepts, and devices,Harter, james H,Prentice Hall,1995
  14. Transform circuit analysis for engineering and technology,Stanley, William D,Prentice Hall,2000
  15. Basic Electricity: a text-lab manual,Zbar, Paul B,Macmillan,1991
  16. Electric energy systems theory : an introduction,Elgerd, Olle I, tata Mcgraww- Hill Publishing Company Limimed,1999
  17. Power electronics for Technology,Ahmed, Ashfaq, Prentice Hall,1997
  18. Introduction to power electronics,Hart, Daniel W,Prentice hall,1997
  19. Principles of power electronics,Kassakian, John G,Addison-wesley Publishing Company,1991]
  20. Power electronics: converters, applications, and design, Mohan, Ned,john Wiley & Sons, Inc,1995
  21. Elektronika Daya : rangkaian, devais, dan aplikasinya, Rashid, Muhammad H,Prenhallindo,1999
  22. Introduction to modern power electronics,Trzynadlowski, Andrzej M, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  23. Electric circuits,Balabanian, Norman,Mcgraw-Hill, Inc,1994
  24. Basic electric circuit analysis,David E. Johnson,Prentice Hall,1995
  25. Student solution manual to accompany electronic devices and circuits and electronic devices and circuits : convertional flow version,Hassul, Michael,Prentice Hall,1997
  26. Electrical circuits and systems : an introduction for engineers and physical scientists,Howatson, A.M,Oxford University Press,1996
  27. Basic engineering circuit analysis,Irwin, J. David,John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1998
  28. Inside spice : Overcoming the obstacles of circuit simulation,Kielkowski, Ron M,McGraw-Hill,1995
  29. Schaum’s otline of theory and problems in electric circuits,O’malley, John,McGraw-Hill,1992
  30. Schaum’s 3000 solved problem in electric circuits,Nasar, A. Syed,McGraw-Hill,1988
  31. Linear and non linear circuits, Chua, Leon O,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1987
  32. Electric circuits,Bogart, Theodore F,Glencoe,1992
  33. The analysis and design of linear circuits,Thomas, Roland E,Prentice Hall,1998
  34. Electrical installation calculation : for compliance with BS 7671 : 1992 (the wiring regulations),jenkins, B.D,Blackwell Science & ECA,1999
  35. Drafting for electronics,Lamit, Louis Gary,Prentice Hall,1998
  36. The illustrated dictionary of electronics,editor : stan gibilis,Mcgraw-Hill,1997
  37. Electronic project and circuit,Tiwana, Amrit Bir,Tech Publication PTE LTD,1998
  38. Introduction to high-speed electronics and optoelectronics,Riaziat, M.L.,John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1996
  39. Chip scale package(chp) : design, materials, processes, reliabi Press any key to continue,lau, John H,McGraw-Hill,1999
  40. Fundamentals of solid-state electronics : solution manual,sah, Chih-Tang,World Scientific,1996
  41. Microelectronics : an integrated approach, Howe, Roger T., Prentice-Hall,1997
  42. Frequency selective surfaces : Theory and Design,Ben A. Munk, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,2000
  43. Sinyal & sistem , Alan V. Oppenheim, Erlangga,2000
  44. Introduction to multichip modules , Naveed Sherwani, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1995
  45. Analogue electronic circuit and systems ,Amitava Basak, Cambridge University Press,1991
  46. Introduction to digital circuits , Theodore F. Bogart, Macmillan ,1991
  47. A first course in digital electronics , Nigel P. Cook, Prentice Hall,1999
  48. Introduction to electric circuits , Richard C. Dorf, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1999
  49. Fundamentals of electrical drives , Gopal K. Dubey, Toppan Company (S) Pte Ltd,1995
  50. Fundamentals of analog circuits , Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall,1999
  51. Principles of digital design , Daniel D. Gajski., Prentice Hall,1997
  52. Bioelectronics handbook : mosfets, biosensors, and neurons, Grattarola, Massimo, McGraw-Hill,1998
  53. Electronic devices and circuits : conventional flow version, Hassul, Michael, Prentice Hall,1997
  54. Electronic devices and circuits , Michael Hassul, Prentice Hall,1997
  55. Modern electronic instrumentation and measuarement techniques Albert D. Helfrick, Prentice-Hall International,1994
  56. Digital electronics : a practical approach, William Kleitz, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,1999
  57. Fundamentals of microelectronics processing,Hong H. Lee, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,1990
  58. Gallium arsenide digital integrated circuit design, Long, Stephen I, McGraw-Hill,1990
  59. Electric circuits ,James W. Nilsson, Prentice-Hall,2000
  60. Introductory electronic devices and circuits : conventional flow version , Robert T. Paynter, Prentice-Hall Internasional,1997
  61. Circuit analysis for power engineering handbook , Arieh L. Shenkman, Kluwer Academic publishers,1998
  62. Electronics : circuits and devices, Ralph J. Smith, John Wiley & Sons,1987
  63. Activities manual for digital electronics , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1998
  64. Digital electronics : principles and applications , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1998
  65. Instructor’s resource guide for digital electronics , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1994
  66. Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of digital principles, Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1994
  67. Basic electronics : a text-lab manual , Paul B. Zbar, McGraw-Hill,1994
  68. Basic electronics : a text-lab manual , Paul B. Zbar, Macmillan,1994
  69. An introduction to power electronics , B.M. Bird, John Wiley & Sons,1993
  70. Power electronics,Cyril W. Lander, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1993
  71. Up to date diode 2 O…1N…1S…U : data & comparison tables, ECA. 4 Auflage, Tech Publications Pte,1997
  72. The semicon indexes international transistor index :Data & Substitutions, Tech Publications pte,1993
  73. Towers international transistor selector : Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors,Tech Publications PTE,1992
  74. An introduction to circuit analysis : a systems approach,Donald E. Scott, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1987
  75. Printed circuits handbook , Clyde F. Coombs, McGraw-Hill,1995
  76. Computer-aided electronic circuit board design and fabrication : Using orcad,sdt and orcad,pcb software tools , Akram Hossain, Prentice Hall,1996
  77. Electronic devices , Joseph J. Carr, Macmillan,1993
  78. Electronic devices : a text and software problems manual, Schultz, Mitchel E, McGraw-Hill,1994
  79. Principles of testing electronic systems, Samiha Mourad, John Wiley & Sons,2000
  80. Electronic circuits : discrete and integrated , Donald L. Schilling, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1989
  81. Microelectronic devices , Edward S. Yang, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1988
  82. Understanding electricity and electronics technology , Peter Buban, McGraw-Hill,1992
  83. Electronics in industry,George M. Chute,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1979
  84. Foundations of electronics , J.R. Cogdell, Prentice Hall,1999
  85. Principles of electronic instrumentation , A. James Diefenderfer, Saunders College Pub.,1994
  86. Gateway into electronics , Peter Carroll, Dunn, John Wiley & Sons,2000
  87. Dasar-dasar elektroteknik , A.E. Fitzgerald, David E ; diterjemahkan oleh pantur Silaban,Erlangga,1993
  88. Electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,,1996
  89. Applied digital electronics , D.C. Green, Longman,1999
  90. Basic electricity and electronics , Delton T. Horn,Macmillan,1993
  91. Industri informasi dalam dekade 80-an , pengalih bahasa Bob Widyahartono, Alumni,1983
  92. Modern digital electronics ,R.P. Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,1998
  93. Simplified design of voltage-frequency converters , John D.Lenk, Newnes,1989
  94. Industrial electronics : applications for programmble controllers, instrumentation and process control, and electrical machines and motor controls,Thomas E. Kissell, Prentice Hall,2000
  95. Electronic transformers and circuits , Reuben Lee, Leo Wilson, Charles E. Carter, John Wiley & Sons,1988
  96. Industrial electronics , James Maas, New Jersey : Prentice Hall,1995
  97. Electronic Principles , Albert Paul Malvino, Glencoe,McGraw-Hill,1999
  98. Alat penduga logika gerbang dasar Ic TTL dan IC CMOS oleh Ferman Manullang, D3-Fisika-FMIPA,2002
  99. Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes,D.A. Bradley … [et al.], Chapman & Hall,1991
  100. Elektronika terpadu = integrated electronics : rangkaian dan sistem analog dan digital , Jacob Millman, Christos C. Halkias ; diterjemahkan : M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia, Erlangga,1997
  101. Integrated electronics : analog and digital circuits and systems,Jacob Millman, Chistos C. Halkias, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1972
  102. Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of introduction to digital systems , James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, McGraw-Hill,1993
  103. Introductory eletronis devices and circuits : eletron flow version, Robert T. Paynter, Prentice Hall,2000
  104. Activities manual for industrial electronics,Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
  105. Instructor’s resource guide for industrial electronics , Frank D.Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
  106. Industrial electronics , Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
  107. Basic electronics , Malcolm Plant, Hodder & Stoughton,1990
  108. Digital electronics , Ray Ryan, Lisa A. Doyle, Glencoe,1993
  109. Fundamentals of solid-state electronics,Chih Tang Sah, World Scientific,1991
  110. Active and non-linear electronics, Thomas . Schubert, Ernest M Kim, John Wiley & Sons,1996
  111. Electronics : principles and applications , Charles A. Schuler, McGraw-Hill,1999
  112. Electronics : principles and applications,Charles A. Schuler, Macmillan,1994
  113. Vibration analysis for electronic equipment,Dave S. Steinberg,John Wiley & Sons,2000
  114. Elektronika : teori dasar dan penerapannya,Sutrisno, Bandung : ITB-Press,1986
  115. Transparency masters for basic skills in electricity and electronics,McGraw-Hill,1995
  116. McGraw-Hill benchtop electronics handbook,Victor F.C. Veley,McGraw-Hill,1998
  117. Dasar-dasar Elektronika,H.C.Yohanes,Ghalia,1988
  118. Instructor’s guide for basic electronics: A text-lab manual,Paul B. Zbar, McGraw-Hill,1994
  119. Flip chip technologies,John H. Lau, McGraw-Hill,1995
  120. Electric circuits using electronics workbench : Hardware and simulation exercise,John P. Boris,Prentice Hall,200
  121. Rectifiers, cycloconverters, and ac controllers,Thomas H. Barton,Clarendon,1994
  122. Integrating reliability into microelectronis manufacturing,Aris Christou,John Wiley & Sons,1996
  123. Wire Bonding in microelectronics : materials, processes, reliability and yield,George G. Harman,Mc-GrawHill,1997
  124. Microelectronic circuit design,Richard C. jaeger, McGraw-Hill,1997
  125. Practical analog electronics for technicians, Will Kimber, Oxford,1997
  126. MOS Switched-Capacitor and continuous-time integrated circuit and systems : analysis and design, Rolf Unbehauen, Andrzej Cichocki, Springer-Verlag,1989
  127. Low noise electronic system design,C.D. Motchenbacher, J.A Connelly, Jhon Willey & Sons,1993
  128. Komunikasi Elektronika,Dennis Roddy, John Coolen,Erlangga,1996
  129. Wavelest and multiscala signal processing,Albert Cohen, Robert D. Ryan,Chapman & Hall,1995
  130. Simplified design of data converters,John D. Lenk,Newnes,1997
  131. Circuit design for cmos vlsi, John P. Uyemura, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1992
  132. Physical design of CMOS integrated circuit using m, John P. Uyemura,PWS Publishing Comp., 1995
  133. Theory and problems of electric circuits in si units, Joseph A. Edminister, McGraw-Hill,1965
  134. Theory and problems of electric circuits , Joseph A. Edminister, McGraw-Hill,1983
  135. Problem solving made almost easy: a companion to fundamentals of electric circuits, Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku,, McGraw-Hill,2000
  136. Modern industrial electronics, Timothy J. Maloney, Prentice Hall, 1996
  137. Using The M68CH11 Microcontroller, John C. Skroder, Prentice Hall, 1997
  138. Element of Gas Turbine Propulsion, Jack D Mattingly,Mc Graww Hill, 1996
  139. International Encyclopedia of Robotics, Richard C Dorf, Wiley Interscince, 1988
  140. Transportation Engineering, James T Ball P. E., Mc Graw Hill, 2001
  141. Principles of Energy Conversion, Archie W Culp Jr Phd, Mc Graww hill, 1991
  142. Practical Electronic Handbook, Ian Sinclair, Newnes, 2001
  143. Complete Handbook of Electronic Motor Control ,John E Traister,The Fairmont Press ,1994
  144. Electronic portable Handbook,Stan Gibilisco,Mc Graww Hill,2000
  145. Handbook of Electrical Installation Practice,Alan Smith,Blackwell Science,1996
  146. Guide to National Electrical Code,Thomas L Harman, Charles E Allen,Prentice Hall,1999
  147. American Electrician Handbook (XII),Terrel Croft, Wilford I Summers,Mc Graww Hill,1992
  148. American Electrician Handbook (XIII),Terrel Croft, Wilford I Summers,Mc Graww Hill,1996
  149. Electrical Instalation,ECA, NIC, EIC, SELECT,Blackwell Science,1992
  150. Electrical Instalation Guide,Maurice Lewis,Newnes,1997
  151. Power System Stability Handbook,Pansini EE. PE,The Fairmont Press ,1992
  152. The linemans and Cablemans Field Manual,Thomas M Shoemaker, James E Mack,Mc Graww Hill,2000
  153. Instrumentation reference Book,B E Noltingk,Butterworth Heineman,1996
  154. Encyclopedia of Engineering,Sybil P Parker,Mc Graww Hill,1992
  155. Battery Reference Book,T R Cromton,Newnes,2000
  156. Practical Transformer Handbook,Irving M Gottlieb FE,Newnes,1998
  157. Electric Motor,H Weare Beaty, James L Kritley Jr ,Mc Graww Hill,1998
  158. Handbook of Transformer Design and Applicatin (II),William M Flanagan,Mc Graw Hill,1993
  159. Kamus Fisika Mikroelektronika,Adhi Susanto, Hartini Supadi,Depdikbud,1998
  160. Handbook of Digital Signal Processing,Sanjit K Mitra, James F Kaiser,Wiley Interscince,1993
  161. Digital Consumer Electronic Handbook,Ronald K Jurgen,Mc Graww Hill,1997
  162. Metals Handbook,J R Davis, Davis & Associates,ASM International,1998
  163. Voice and Data Networking,Nathan J Muller,Mc Graww Hill,2000
  164. The Fax Modem Sourcebook,Andrew Margolis,Wiley Interscince,1995
  165. Communications Technology Handbook,Geoff Lewis,Focal Press,1997
  166. Electronic Connector Handbook,Robert S Mroczkowski,Mc Graww Hill,1998
  167. The VHDL Reference,Ulrich Heinkel, Thomas Buerner, Martin Padeffke, Werner Haas, Herbert Brasz, Thomas Gentner, Alexander Grussman,Wiley Interscince,2000
  168. Digital Electronic (Instructur’s Resource Guide for),Roger L Tokheim,Mc Graww Hill,1998
  169. A Textbook of Electrical Technology,B L Theraja,S Chamd and Comp,1999
  170. Kamus Teknik Listrik, K G Jackson, 1994
  171. National Electrical Code Handbook, Joseph F Mc Partland, Brian J Mc Partland, Mc Graw Hill, 1993
  172. Benchtop Electronic Handbook, Victor F C Veley, Mc Graw Hill,1998
  173. Thin Film technology Handbook, Aicha E L Shabini Riad,Fred D Barlow III, IEPS, Mc Graw Hill,1998
  174. Electric Cables Handbook (III), G F Moore, Blackwell Science, 1982
  175. Operation and Modellry of The MOS Transistor (II), Yannis Tsiadivis, Mc Graw Hill, 1999
  176. Electronics Drafting Workbook (IV), Cynis Krishner, Kurt M Stone, Mc Graw Hill, 1985
  177. Stimulation Engineering Handbook, John W Ely, Pennwell Books, 1994
  178. Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, John G Webster, Wiley Interscience, 2000
  179. Handbook of Practical Electrical Design,Joseph F Mc Partland, Brian J Mc Partland,Mc Graw-Hill,1995
  180. The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs,Robert Schetgen,ARRL,1994
  181. Radio Handbook (XX),William I Orr, WSSAI,Howard W Sams LCO,1967
  182. Desktop Encyclopedia Of Telecommunications (II),Nathan J Muller,Mc Graw-Hill,2000
  183. Power Electronics Handbook,Fraidon Mazda,Newnes,1990
  184. T Illustrated Dictionary of Electronic,Stan Gibilisco,Mc Graww Hill,1997
  185. Basic Skills in Electricity and Electronic series,Mc Graww Hill,1995
  186. Consumer Electronics component Handbook,Homer L Davidson,Mc Graww Hill,1998
  187. T Wirelees Data Handbook (4),James F Derose ,John Willey,1999
  188. Fiber Optic Standard Dictionary (III),Martin H Weik,Chapman Hall,1997
  189. A Practical guide to the wiring regulation II,,Blackwell ,1994
  190. HB of Industrial Robotics II,Shimon Y NOF,John Willey,1999
  191. Aktivities Manual For Dig Electronic (4),Tokheim ,Mc Graw – Hill,1994
  192. The Lineman’s Cableman’s HB (9),Edward B Kurtz, Thomas M Shoemaker, James E Mack,Mc Graw Hill,1997
  193. Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices,Kwok K Ng,Mc Graw Hill,1995
  194. Energy Marketing Handbook,Denise Warkentln,Penwell Books,1996
  195. National Electrical Code Handbook (XVII),Joseph F Mc Partland,Mc Graw Hill,1981
  196. A Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing , Marven, Craig , John Wiley & Son,1996
  197. A+ Certification Concepts & Practice , Charles Brooks , Que ELT , 1999
  198. Active and Passive Analog Filter : An Introduction , Huelsman, Lawrence P., Mc Graw Hill , 1993
  199. Activities Manual For Microprocessors : Principles and Applications , Gilmore, Charles M. , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  200. Ada Plus Data Structures : An Object Based Approach , Dale, Nell , Dc Health & comp , 1996
  201. Advanced Computer Architectures : A Design Space Approach , Sima, Deszo , Wesley , 1997
  202. Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics , Balanis, Constantine A. , John Wiley & Sons,1989
  203. Advanced IT Tools : IFIP World Conference on IT Tools , Tarashima, Nobuyoshi , IFIP , 1996
  204. Advanced Microprocessors , Tabak, Daniel , Mc Graw Hill , 1995
  205. Algorithm for VLSI Physical Design Automation , Sherwam , Kluwer Academin Pubs , 1995
  206. Algorithmics : The Spirit of Computing , Harel, David , Addison – Wesley ,1992
  207. American Electrician’s Handbook , Croft, Terrell , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  208. An Introductiion to VLSI Physical Design , Sarrafzadeh, M. , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  209. Analog VLSI : Signal and Information Processing , Ismail Fiez, Mohammed , Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  210. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits , Gray, Paul R. , John Wiley & Sons,1993
  211. Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuit , Hodges, David A., Mc Graw Hill , 1988
  212. Antennas for Radar & Communication a Polarimetric Approach , Mott , John Wiley & Sons,1992
  213. Application Programming in Cobol : Concepts, Techniques, and Applications , Uckan, Yuksel , Dc Health & Comp , 1992
  214. Basic Circuit Theory , Huelsman, Lawrence P., Mc Graw Hill, 1985
  215. C Programming for Engineering and Computer Science , Tan, H. H., Mc Graw Hill, 1999
  216. Cable Television Technology and Operations : HDTV and NTSC Systems , Bartlett, Eugene R. , Mc Graw Hill, 1990
  217. Circuit, Devices and Process Simulation : Mathematical and Numerical Aspects , Carey, graham . F. , John willey & Sons, 1996
  218. Circuits Analysis for Power Engineering Handbook , Shenkman, Arieh L , Kluwer , 1998
  219. Cleanroom Software Engineering Practices , Becker, Shirley A. , Kluwer, 1998
  220. Companion in Direct Current Technology , Jairam, Ashton , PH, 2000
  221. Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools , Aho, Alfred V. , Wesley, 1986
  222. Complete System Analysis : The Workbook, the Textbook, the Answers , Robertson, James , James & Suzane , 1998
  223. Computational Methods for Electromagnetics & Microwave , Booton , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
  224. Computer Aided Logical Design : With Emphasis on VLSI , Hill, Frederick J. , John Wiley & Sons , 1993
  225. Computer and Robot Vision , Haralick, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1993
  226. Computer and Thought : A Practical Introduction to Artificial Intelligence , Fergenbaum, Edward A. , AAAI , 1995
  227. Computer Architecture and Organization , Hayes, John P., Prentice Hall , 1996
  228. Computer Graphics : Using Open GL , Hill, F.S., Prentice Hall , 2001
  229. Computer Networks and Internets , Comer, Douglas E., Prentice Hall , 1996
  230. Computer Organization , Hamacher, V. Carl , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  231. Computer Systems Design and Architecture , Heuring, Vincent P. , Wisley , 1997
  232. Computer Technology in Biomaterials Science and Engineering , Sloten, Jos Vander, John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  233. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy , Sheppard, C.J.R., BIOS , 1997
  234. Control Engineering , Bissell, C.C. , Chapman , 1994
  235. Control Oriented System Identification : AnH Approach , Chen, Jie , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  236. Data Abstraction and Structures Using C++ , Headington, Mark R., John N. Bartlett ,1997
  237. Data Structure in Pascal : A Laboratory Course , Roberge, James , Heath , 1994
  238. Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Principles , Standish, Thomas A. , Wesley , 1994
  239. Design and Analysis of Heat Sinks , Kraus, Allan D., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  240. Design and Realization of Bipolar Transistor , Ashburn, Peter , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
  241. Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and System , Laker, Kenneth R., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  242. Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12,11 Microcontrollers , Haskell, Richard E., Prentice Hall , 2000
  243. Design of Small Electrical Machines , Hamdi, E.S., John Wiley & Sons , 1987
  244. Developing Software for the User Interface, Bass, Len, Wesley , 1991
  245. Digiatal Filter Design , Parks, T.W. , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
  246. Digital Circuits and Microprocessors , Taub, Herbert , Mc Graw Hill , 1985
  247. Digital Design from Zero to One , Daniels, Jerry D. , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
  248. Digital Design Principles and Computer Architecture , Karalis, Edward , Prentice Hall , 1992
  249. Digital Electronics , Ryan, Ray, , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
  250. Digital Filtering an Introduction , Cunningham, Edward P., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  251. Digital Filters and Signal Processing , Jakson, Leland B. , Kluwes, 1996
  252. Digital Fundamentals , Floyd, Thomas L., Prentice Hall , 1996
  253. Digital Image Processing , Pratt, William K, Wiley Interscience , 1991
  254. Digital Image Processing , Castleman, Kenneth R., Prentice Hall,1996
  255. Digital Mantras : The Languages of Abstract and Virtual Worlds , Holtzman, Steven R., MIT Press , 1995
  256. Digital Multimedia , Chapman, Nigel, John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  257. Digital Processing of Signal : Theory and Practice , Bellanger, Maurice , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  258. Digital Signal Process a Computer Based Approach , Sanjit K. Mitra , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
  259. Digital Signal Processing , Cavicchi, Thomas J., John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  260. Digital Signal Processing : A Parctical Approach , Ifeachor, Emmanuel C. , Wesley , 1997
  261. Digital Signal Processing : Implementation Using The TMS3206000 TM DSP Platform , Dahnous, Naim , Pearson Education, 2000
  262. Digital System : Principles and Applications , Tocci, Ronald J., Prentice Hall , 1998
  263. Digital Systems and Hardware,Firmware Algorithms , Ercegovac, Milos D., John Wiley & Sons , 1985
  264. Digital Television MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and Principles of the DVB System , Benoit, Herve , Arnold, 1997
  265. Digital Transmission Engineering, Anderson, John B. , Prentice Hall, 1999
  266. Discrete Structures, Logis, and Computability , Hein, James L., John & Bartlett , 1995
  267. Discrete Time Signal Processing , Oppenheim, Alan V., Prentice Hall , 1999
  268. Dynamics & Control of Large Electric Power System , Llic Zaberszky , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  269. Electric Circuit Analysis , Schuler , Prentice Hall, 2000
  270. Electric Circuits , Bogart, Theodore F. , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
  271. Electric Power Systems , Weedy, B.M., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  272. Electric Utility Systems and Practices , John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  273. Electrical Engineering : For All Engineerings , Roadstrum, William H., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  274. Electrical Engineering Principles Application , Hambley , Prentice Hall, 1997
  275. Electrical Transients in Power System , Greenwood, Allen , John Wiley & Sons , 1991
  276. Electricity-Electronics Fundamentals : A Text-Lab Manual , Zbar, Paul B. , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
  277. Electromagnetics , Kraus, John D., Mc Graw Hill , 1992
  278. Electromagnetics Waves , Someda, Carlo G., Chapman & Hall , 1998
  279. Electromechanical Energy Devices and Power Systems , Yamayee, Zia A., John Wiley & Sons , 1994
  280. Electronic Circuit , Schilling Belove , Mc Graw Hill , 1989
  281. Electronic Circuits , Balabanian, Norman , Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  282. Electronic Communication System , Kennedy, George , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
  283. Fiber-Optic Communication System , Agrawal, Govind P., John Wiley & Sons , 1997
  284. Field-Programmable Custom Computing Technology : Architectures, Tools, Applications , Kluwer , 2000
  285. Fields and Waves in Communication Elctronics , Ramo, Simon , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
  286. Fixed and Mobile Telecommunications: Networks, System and Services , Duuren, Jan Van , Addison – Wesley , 1996
  287. Flip Chip Technologies , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  288. Fortran 95 Handbook Complete ISO, ANSI Reference , Jeane Adam , 1997
  289. Foundations of Electronics , Cogdell, J.R. , Jeane Adam , 1997
  290. Foundations of Medical Imaging , Cho, Z.H., John Wiley & Sons , 1993
  291. Frequency Synthesizers : Theory and Design , Manassewitsch, Vadim, John Wiley & Sons , 1987
  292. Frontiers of Expert Systems : Reasoning with Limited Knowledge , Mohan, Chilukuri K., Kluwer , 2000
  293. Fundamental of Neural Network : Architectures, Algorithms and Applications , Fausett, Laurene , Prentice Hall, 1994
  294. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics , Ulaby, Fawwas T., Prentice Hall, 1997
  295. Fundamentals of Microelectronics Processing , Lee, Hong H., Mc Graw Hill , 1990
  296. Fundamentals of PLC, Sensors & Communications , Stenerson , Prentice Hall, 1999
  297. Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication , Frey, Brendan J. , Massachuset Tech , 1998
  298. Hand on Pspice , Gottling , Houghton Mifflin Co , 1995
  299. High Speed VLSI Interconnector Modelling, Analysis Simulator , Goel , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
  300. Hughes : Electrical Technology , Hughes, Edward , Prentice Hall, 1995
  301. IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming , Abel, Peter , Prentice Hall, 1998
  302. Inductive Logic Programming : From Machine Learning to Software Engineering , Bergandano, Francesco , MIT Press , 1996
  303. Information Theory and Reliable Communication , Gallager, Robert G., John Wiley & Sons , 1968
  304. Inside Spice : Overcoming The Obstacles of Circuit Simulatioan , Kielkowski, Ron M., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  305. Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices : Theory and Application , Deboo, Gordon J., Microsoft , 1998
  306. Integrated Electronics : Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems , Millman, Jacob , Mc Graw Hill , 1977
  307. Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems : Strategic Views , Antsaklis, Panos J., Kluwer ,2000
  308. Internetworking with TCP,IP Vol 2 Design, Implementation and Internals , Comer, Douglas E., Prentice Hall, 1999
  309. Intranet Ware,Net Watre 4.11 : Administration, Troubleshooting and TCP,IP , Awwad, Mike Mutasem, Prentice Hall, 2000
  310. Introducing Computers : Concepts, Systems, and Applications , Blissmer, Robert H., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  311. Introducing Microsoft Windows 2000 Server , Northrup, Tony , Microsoft , 1999
  312. Introduction to Algorithms : A Creative Approach , Manber, Udi , Wesley , 1989
  313. Introduction to Communications Engineering , Gagne, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1988
  314. Introduction to Computers for Engineering and Technology , Mansfield, Kenneth C., Prentice Hall, 2000
  315. Introduction to Data Communications Using Novel Netware , Beheler, Ann , Prentice Hall, 1999
  316. Introduction to Device Modelling & Circuit Simulatoion , Fjeldly, John Wiley & Sons , 1994
  317. Introduction to Digital Mobile Communication , Akaiwa, Yoshihiko , Welley Intl , 1997
  318. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Laboratory Textbook, Smith, Mark J.T., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  319. Introduction to Digital Systems , Ercegovac, Milos D., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  320. Introduction to Electrical Engineering , Paul, Clayton R. , Mc Graw Hill , 1992
  321. Introduction to Electromagnetic and Microwave Engineering , Karmel, Paul R. ., John Wiley & Sons , 1998
  322. Introduction to Electromagnetics Fields , Paul, Clayton R., Mc Graw Hill, 1998
  323. Introduction to Electronic Devices , Shur, Michael , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
  324. Introduction to Electronics DC,AC Circuits , Harsany, Stephen C., Prentice Hall , 2000
  325. Introduction to Fourier Optics : Solutions Manual to Accompany , Goodman Joseph W., Mc Graw Hill, 1996
  326. Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Recording , Comstock, R. Lawrence , John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  327. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering , Lamarsh, John R., Wesley , 1983
  328. Introduction to PSpice : Circuit Analysis , Gotting, James G., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  329. Introduction to Random Signals Applied Kalman Filtering , Brown, Robert Grover , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
  330. Introduction to Signals and Systems , Lindner, Douglas k., Mc Graw Hill , 1999
  331. Introductor to Electromagnetic Field , Paul White Nasar , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
  332. Introductory Electronics Devices and Circuits : Electron Flow Version , Paynter, Robert T., PWS publishing , 1996
  333. Laser Electronics , Verdeyen, Joseph T., Prentice Hall , 1995
  334. Lighting for Health and Safety , Smith, N.A., Butterworth Heinemann, 2000
  335. Linear and Nonlinear Circuit , Chua, Leon O., Mc Graw Hill , 2000
  336. Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Nash, Stephen G., Mc Graw Hill , 1996
  337. Local & Metropolitan Area Network, Stallings, William, Prentice Hall , 2000
  338. Low-Power Digital VLST Design: Circuits and Systems , Bellaouar, Abdellatif, Kluwer , 1995
  339. Mastering Web Design, McCoy, John, Sybex, 1996
  340. Mastering Word Perfect 6.1 for Windows , Simpson, Alan , Sybex, 1995
  341. Mcgraw-Hill Electronic Troubleshooting Handbook , Lenk, John D., Mc Graw Hill , 1998
  342. Microchip Fabrication : A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing , Van Zant, Peter, Mc Graw Hill , 1997
  343. Microcomputer Application , Grauer Sugrul, Mc Graw Hill , 1991
  344. Microelectronic Switched-Capacitor Filters : With ISICAP : A Computer-Aided-Design Package , Baher, H., John Wiley & Sons , 1996
  345. Microelectronic Systems : A Practical Approach, Ditch, W, 1995
  346. Microprocessor Architecture : From VLIW to TTA , Corporaal, Henk ., John Wiley & Sons , 1998
  347. Microprocessor System Design : 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing , Clements, Alan, 1997
  348. Microprocessors and Microcomputers : Hardware and Software , Tocci, Ronald J., Prentice Hall , 1998
  349. Microsim PSpice and Circuit Analysis , Keown, John, Prentice Hall , 1998
  350. Microsim PSpice for Windows : Operational Amplifiers and Digital Circuit : A Circuit Simulation Primer ,Goody, Roy W., Prentice Hall , 1998
  351. Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 Training , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft Press, 1998
  352. Microsoft Office 2000 Expert Companion : Tips, Tricks, and Utilities for the Power User , Jacobson, Reed , Microsoft Press, 1999
  353. Microsoft Photodraw 2000 by Design , Tait, William , Microsoft Press, 2000
  354. Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 Training , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft Press, 1998
  355. Microsoft Windows NT 4. 0 : Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Stanek, William R., Microsoft Press, 1999
  356. Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals , Lee, William C.Y., John wiley & Sons, 1993
  357. Modeling for Design Using AutoCad Release 13 and AutoSurf , Stewart, Michael D., Autodesk ,1997
  358. Modern Communications and Spread Spectrum , Cooper, George R., Mc Graw Hill , 1986
  359. Modern Digital Electronics , Jain, R. P., Mc Graw Hill , 1999
  360. Modern IC Data & Substitution Manual , Lotia, Manahar, Tech, 1997
  361. Modern Semiconductor Device Physics , Sm Sze , John wiley & Sons , 1998
  362. Modern Sound IC Data & Substitution Manual with stk IC Data & Application Manual , Lotia, Manahar, 1997
  363. Modern VLSI Design : System on Silicon , Wolf, Wayne Hendrix , Prentice Hall , 1998
  364. Mosfet Modeling with SPICE : Principles and Practice , Foty, Daniel P., Prentice Hall , 1997
  365. Multimedia Application Support for Wireless ATM Networks, Hac, Anna, Prentice Hall , 2000
  366. Multimedia Computing, Communication and Aplications , Steinmetz , Prentice Hall , 1995
  367. Multivariable Control System Design Techniques: Dominance and Direct Methods , Bryant, G. F. , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
  368. Multivariable Feedback Design , Maciejowski, J.M. , Wesley , 1996
  369. Network Operating Systems : Making the Right Choices , Hunter, Philip, Wesley , 1995
  370. Neural and Adaptive System : Fundamental Through Simulation , Principe, Jose C., John Wiley & Sons , 2000
  371. Neuro Fuzzy Pattern Recognition : Methods in Soft Computing , Pal, Sankar K., John Wiley & Sons , 2000, 1999
  372. Neuro-Vision systems : Principles and Applications, Gupta, Knopf, IEEE Press, 1994
  373. Noise Theory of Linear and Non Linear Circuits , Engberg, Jakob, John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  374. Object-Oriented Client,Server Application Development : Using Object PAL and C++ , Ayer, Steve J., Mc Graw Hill , 1995
  375. Operating Systems a Systematic View, Davis, William S., Benjamin Cummings Publs Co , 1992
  376. Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits , Coughlin, Robert F., Prentice Hall , 1998
  377. Optical Communications , Gagliardi, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
  378. Optical Computing : Survey for Computer Scientists , Feitelson, Dror G., MIT Press, 1988
  379. Optical Fiber Communications , Keiser, Gerd , Mc Graw Hill , 1991
  380. Optical Fiber Communications , Keiser, Gerd , Mc Graw Hill , 2000
  381. Optics of Liquit Crystal Display , Yeh, Pochi ., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
  382. Optimal Control : Basic and Beyond , Whittle, Peter, John Wiley & Sons , 1996
  383. Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines , Vas, Peter , Oxford Univ. Press, 1993
  384. Passive and Active Filters , Chen, Wai-Kai , John Wiley & Sons , 1986
  385. PC Ph.D. : Inside PC Interfacing, Predko, Myke, Mc Graw Hill , 2000
  386. Pentium Processors System Architecture , Anderson, Don , Wesley , 1995
  387. Performance Modelling of Communication Networks and Computer Architectures , Harrison, Peter G., Wesley , 1993
  388. Personal Videoconferencing , Rosen, Evan, Manning, 1996
  389. Phase Lock Basics , Egan, William F. , John Wiley & Sons , 1998
  390. Photovoltaic Conversion of Concentrated Sunlight , Andreev, V.M. , John Wiley & Sons , 1997
  391. Physical Foundations of Solid State and Electron Devices, Ferendeci, Altan M., Mc Graw Hill , 1991
  392. Physics : For Scientists and Engineers , Lerner, Lawrence S., Jones & Bartlet Publs. , 1996
  393. Physics of Amorphous Semiconductors , Morigaki, Kazuo , World Scientific, 1999
  394. Physics of Semiconductor Devices , Sze, S.M., John Wiley & Sons, 1981
  395. Plug and Play System Architecture , Mindshare, Inc., Wesley , 1995
  396. Power and Communication Cables : Theory and Applications, Bartnikas R., Srivastava K.D. , Mc Graw Hill , 2000
  397. Power Electronics , Lander, Cyril W. , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
  398. Power Electronics : Converters, Applications and Design , Mohan, Ned , John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  399. Power Electronics for Tech, Ahmed, Prentice Hall , 1999
  400. Power Generation, Operation and Control , Wood, Allen J., John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  401. Power Industry Abbreviator , Berke, Danielle, Pennwell Book , 1995
  402. Power Mosfets : Theory and Applications , Grant, Duncan A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1989
  403. Power Programming in HP Openinview : Developing CMIS Applications , Caruso, Raymond , Prentice Hall , 1997
  404. Power System Analysis , Bergen, Arthur R., Prentice Hall , 2000
  405. Power System Analysis, Gross, Charles A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1986
  406. Power System Dynamics : Stability and Control , Padiyat, K.R. , John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  407. Power System Engineering, Nagratth, I.J., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  408. Power System Harmonic Analysis , Arrilaga, Jos, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
  409. Power System Quality Assessment, Arrilaga Watson Chen, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
  410. Power Transmission and Distribution , Pansini, Anthony J., Pennwell Publsh. Co , 1991
  411. Practical Electronics Handbook , Sinclair, Ian R., Newnes,2000
  412. Practical Transformer Handbook, Gottlieb, Irving M., Newnes,1998
  413. Pratical Data Communications , Freeman, Roger L., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  414. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering , Rizzoni, Giorgio, Mc Graw Hill , 2000
  415. Principles of Communication Systems, Taub, Herbert, Mc Graw Hill , 1986
  416. Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics , Sen P.C., John Wiley & Sons, 1997
  417. Principles of Electrical Engineering , Peebles, Peyton Z., Mc Graw Hill , 1991
  418. Principles of Measurement Systems , Bentley, John P., Longman, 1995
  419. Principles of Signals and System , Taylor, Fred J., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
  420. Principles of Superconductive Devices and Circuits , Van Duzer, Theodore, Prentice Hall , 1998
  421. Printed Circuits Handbook , Coombs, Clyde F., Mc Graw Hill , 1997
  422. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Walpole, Ronald E., Prentice Hall ,1998
  423. Problem Solving Made Almost Easy: A Companion to Fundamentals of Electric Circuits ,Alexander, Charles K., Mc Graw Hill , 1997
  424. Problem Solving with Computer, Scragg, Greg W. , John & Bartlett Pubsl , 1997
  425. Problems and Solutions on Electromagnetism , Shu-ping, Zhao , World Scientific, 2000
  426. Programming in Pascal, Dale, Nell , John & Bartlett Pubsl , 1997
  427. Programming Logic for Business , Saret, Laura , Mc Graw Hill , 1992
  428. Programmming for Technology Student Using Visual Basic , Spasov, Peter , Prentice Hall , 1999
  429. Protecting LAN Resources : A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Protecting and Rebuilding a Network , Held, Gilbert , John wiley & Sons, 1995
  430. Quick Course in Microsoft Frontpage 2000 , Online Press, 1999
  431. Radar Principles , Peebles, Peyton Z., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  432. Random Signal : Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis, Shanmugan, K. Sam, John Wiley & Sons, 1988
  433. Rating of Electric Power Cables : Ampacity Computations for Transmission, Distribution and Industrial Applications, Mc Graw Hill, 1997
  434. Remote LAN Access : A Guide the Right Architectures, Fritz, Jeffrey Neil, Manning Publications Co, 1996
  435. Resonant Power Converters, Kazimierczuk, Marian K., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  436. Reventing Communication : A Guide to Using Visual Language for Planning, Problem Solving and Reengineering
  437. Rf and Microwave Wireless Systems, Chang, Kai, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  438. Running Microsoft Outlook 2000, Neibauer, Alan , Microsoft Press, 1999
  439. Schaum’s 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits, Nasar, Syed A., Mc Graw Hill, 1988
  440. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problem of Elctromagnetics, Edminister, Joseph A., Mc Graw Hill, 1993
  441. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problem of Probability, Random Variables and Random Processes, Hsu, Hwei P., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
  442. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Circuit analysis, O’malley, John. ., Mc Graw Hill, 1992
  443. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, Cathey, Jimmie J., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
  444. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics , Beiser, Arthur , Mc Graw Hill, 1993
  445. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Machines and Electromechanics , Nasar, Syed A. , Mc Graw Hill, 1998
  446. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Introduction to Digital Systems, Palmer, James E. , Mc Graw Hill, 1993
  447. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with C, Gottfried, Byron S., Mc Graw Hill, 1996
  448. Schematic Capture with MicroSim PSpice : For Windows Version 3.1, Herniter, Marc E., Prentice Hall, 2000
  449. Semiconductor Device , Kramer, Hitchon, Prentice Hall, 1997
  450. Semiconductor Measurements and Instrumentation, Runyan, W.R., Prentice Hall, 1998
  451. Semicondutor Material and Devices Characterization, Schroder, Dieter k., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  452. Signal and Linear System Analysis, Carlson, Gordon E., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  453. Signal and Linear Systems, Gobel, Robert, John Wiley & Sons, 1987
  454. Signal and System : Continuous and Discrete, Ziemer, Rodger E., Prentice Hall , 1998
  455. Simulator Technique : Model of Communication Signal and Process, Gardner Bake, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
  456. Software Assessment : Reliability, Safety, Testability, Friedman, Michael A., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  457. Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach, Pressman, Roger S., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
  458. Solid State Materials, Radhakrishna, DaudS., Toppan Company , 1991
  459. Solid State Radio Engineering, Krauss, Herbert L., John Wiley & Sons, 1980
  460. Solution Manual to Accompany Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Tsividis, Yannis , John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  461. Solutions Manual to Accompany Optical Fiber Communications, Keiser, Gerd, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  462. Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing : Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing, Manolakis, Dimitris G., Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  463. Solving Interference Problem Electronics, Morrison, Ralph, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  464. Sources of Power : How People Make Decisions, Klein, Gary, MIT Press, 1998
  465. Spread Spectrum System : With Commercial Applications, Dixon, Robert C., John Wiley & Sons, 1994
  466. Stability of Stochastic Elastic and Viscoelastic Systems, Potapov, V.D. , John Wiley & Sons, 1999
  467. State Variables for Engineers , De Russo, Ray Close, Desrochers, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
  468. Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists : A Computer Based Approach, Barnes, J.Wesley, Mc Graw hill, 1994
  469. Step Up to Networking : Your Introduction to the Concepts of Networking, Woodcock, Joanne, Microsoft Press, 1999
  470. Stochastic Processes, Estimation and Control : The Entopy Approach, Saridis, George N., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  471. Studio and Camcorder Television Production, Utz, Peter, Prentice Hall, 1999
  472. System Analysis and Design and the Transition to Objects, Dewitz, Sandra Donaldson, Mc Graw Hill, 1996
  473. System Programming, Donovan, John J., Mc Graw Hill, 1972
  474. TCP,IP and ONC,NFS : Internetworking in a Unix Environment, Santifaller, Michael, Wesley, 1994
  475. Telecommunication System Engineering, Freeman, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  476. Telecommunication Tranmission System, Winch, Robert G., Mc Graw Hill, 1998
  477. Telecommunication Wiring, Herrick, Clyde N., Prentice hall, 1998
  478. Telecommunications Convergence : How to Profit from the Convergence of Technologies, Services and Companies, Shepard, Steven, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  479. Telecommunications Internetworking, Louis, P.J., Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  480. Telecommunications Engineering, Dunlop, J., Stanley Thoknes, 1994
  481. Telecommunications Primer : Data, Voice and Video Communicatiuons, Carne, E. Bryan, Prentice Hall, 1999
  482. Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks, Flood, J.E., Prentice Hall, 1999
  483. Telerobotics, Automation and Human Supervisory Control, Sheridan, Thomas B., MIT Press, 1992
  484. Television and Video Systems : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair, Buscombe, Charles G., Prentice Hall, 1999
  485. The 80251 Microcontroller, Ayala, Kenneth J., Prentice Hall, 2000
  486. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System, Boshc, Keith, Wesley, 1996
  487. The Dictionary of Multimedia : Trems and Acronms, Hansen, Brad, Fitzroy Deakbokn, 1997,
  488. The Digital Word : Texs-Based Computing in the Humanities, MIT Press, 1993
  489. The Essence of Electric Power System, JA Harison, Prentice Hall, 1996
  490. The Indispensable PC Hardware Book : Your Hardware Questions Answered, Messmer, Hans-Peter, Wesley, 1997
  491. The Intelligent Network Standards : Their Application to Services, Faynberg, Igor, Mc Graw Hill, 1997
  492. The Motion Aftereffect a Modern Perspective, Mather, George, MIT Press, 1998
  493. The Practical Xilinx Designer Designer Lab Book, Van Den Bout, Dave, Prentice Hall, 1998
  494. The Spice Book, Vladimirescu, Andrei, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
  495. The Theory and Practice of Modem Design, Bingham, John A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1988
  496. The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Thomas, Donald E., Kluwer, 1995
  497. The Wireless Data Handbook, De Rose, James F., John Wiley & Sons,1999
  498. Today’s Video : Equipment, Setup and Production, Utz, Peter, Prentice Hall, 1999
  499. Turbo Pascal, Koffman, Elliot B., Addison Wesly Longman, 1998
  500. Two-Dimensional Imaging, Bracewell, Ronald N., Prentice Hall, 1995
  501. Ultrafast and Ultra-Parallel Optoelectronics, Sueta, T., Okoshi, T., John Wiley & Sons,1995
  502. Understanding Computers, Hopper, Grace Murray , West publs, 1990
  503. Unix System Security Essentials, Braun, Cristoph, Wesley, 1995
  504. Unix System V : A Practical Guide, Sobell, Mark G., Benjamin, Cumming Publs, 1995
  505. Up to Date Cmos 4000 : Data & Comparison Tables, Tech , ECA ASIA Pasific, 1993
  506. Up to Date Emitters & Optocouplers : Data & Comparison Tables Cqs 51 … yl-56 brt llh … 5400,005, Tech Publ, 2000
  507. Up to Date World’s Transistors-Diodes Thyristors & ics Comparison Tables a…..z, Tech Publ, 2001
  508. VHDL : Analysis and Modelling of Digital Systems, Navabi, Zainalabedin, MC Graw Hill, 1998
  509. Video Dialtone Technology : Digital Video Over ADSL, HFC, FTTC and ATM, Damel, Minoli, Mc Graw Hill, 1995
  510. Visionary Architecture, Burden, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  511. VLSI Fabrication Principles : Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, Ghandi, Sorab Khushro, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
  512. Wide Area Network Performance and Optimization : Practical Strategies for Success, Lioyd-Evans, Robert, Wesley, 1996
  513. Wireless Information Networks, Pahlavan, Kaveh, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
  514. Wireless Networked Communications: Concepts Technology and Implementation, Bates, Regis j., Mc Graw Hill, 1995
  515. Numerical Modelling of Eddy Current, Andrej Krawczyk, Oxford Unive. Press, 1993
  516. Telkom Dictionary, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
  517. Voice and Speech Processing, Mc Graw Hill, 1987
  518. A Practical Guide to The Wiring Reluletion, Blackwell Science, 1999
  519. Power Station Instrumen, Butterworth, 1993
  520. Basic Electricity, Mc Graw Hill, 1992
  521. Architectures for Digital Signal Processing, Pirsch Peter, Wiley, 1998
  522. Konsep Dasar Pemrograman Bahasa C, Jogiyanto HM, Andi Offset, 1999
  523. Advances In Computer Vol II, Zelkowhz, V Marvin, Academic Press, 1995
  524. A Complete Programming Course, Holmes, Barrym John & Banlett Publisher, 1997
  525. Surface Mount Technology Terms & Concepts, Zarrow, Phil, Newnes, 1997
  526. Pengantar Fortran, Hutty, Roger/Moctar Darmawan, Erlangga, 1988
  527. Pascal By Example, Burd, Barry A, Sounders College Publishing, 1992
  528. Artificial Intellegent In Perspective, Bobrow, Daniel G, Elsevier Science Publisher, 1992
  529. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Irwin, J David, PH, 1999
  530. Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, Holton, Souder College Publishing, 1994
  531. Semiconduntor Devicers Using Electronic Workbench, Borris, John P, Prentice Hall, 2000
  532. Basic Elctronics A Text-Lab Manual, Miller, Zbar, Malvino, Mc Graw Hill, 1994
  533. Step By Step Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft, 1999
  534. Alghorithmic Learning, Hutchinson, Alan, Oxford, 1994
  535. The SR Programming Language: Operating Systems Programming, Hartley, Stephen J, Oxford, 1995
  536. STL SCL: Automating With Step 7 in STL and SCL, Berger, Hans, Siemens, 2000
  537. LAD FBD: Automating With Step 7 in LAD and FBD, Berger, Hans, Siemens, 2000
  538. Artificial Intelegence and Learning Environment, Clancey, William J-Solloway, Elliot, MIT/Elsevier, 1990
  539. Optimal Control and The Calculus of Variations, Pinch, Ehid R, Oxford, 1993
  540. Building Automation Systems: A Practical Guide to Selection & Implementation, Eyke, Maurice, BSP Professional Book, 1988
  541. Artificial Intellegence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of The Future, Partridge, Derek, Toppan Company PTE, Ltd, 1998
  542. Computation of Special Functions, Zhang, Shangie, Wiley, 1996
  543. Applied Optimal Control: Optimization, Estimation, & Control, Bryson, Arthur E Jr, Yu-Chi, Taylor & Franas, 1975
  544. Industrial Control Handbook, Parr Andrew, Newnws, 2000
  545. Automation, Control and Complexity: an Integrated Approach, Samaf, T. Weyranch, J, Wiley, 2000
  546. Tata Bahasa Baku: Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan & Kebudayaan, Balai Pustaka, 1997
  547. Komposisi, Keraf, Gorys, Prof, Dr, Nusa Indah, 1997
  548. SMT: Soldering Handbook, Strauss, Rudolf, Newnes, 1998
  549. Fisika Jilid 1, Edisi ketiga, Silaban, Pantur, Erlangga, 1999
  550. Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems: A Practical Approach, Smith, Ronnie W, Hipp, D Richard, Oxford, 1994
  551. Artificial Life an Overview, Langton, Cristopher G, MIT Press, 1995
  552. Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 3- The Submicron Mosfet, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 1995
  553. Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 2- Process Integration, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 1990
  554. Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 1- Process Technology, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 2000
  555. Passive and Active Network Analysis and Synthesis, Budak, Aram, Waveland Press Inc, 1974
  556. Basic Circuit Theory, Charles A Desoer, Mc Graw Hill, 1969
  557. Semiconductor-Laser Physics, Sargent III, Koch, Chow, Springer, 1993
  558. Analog Electronics, Hickmah, Ian, Newnes, 1999
  559. Basic Electronics A Text Lab Manual, Miller, Malvino, Zbar, Mc Graw Hill, 1994
  560. Power Electronics Handbook, Mazda Fraidoon, Newnws, 1997
  561. Schaum’s Solved Problems Series: 2000 Solved Problems in Electronic, Cathey, Jimmie J, Mc Graw Hill, 1990
  562. Understand Electronics, Bishop, Owen, Newnws, 1999


Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional *
  1. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Teknik, Lembaga Penelitian UNBRAW, 2000-2003
  2. Penelitian (edisi Ilmu-ilmu Teknik), Univ. Merdeka Malang, 2000-2002
  3. Jurnal Telekomunikasi, STT Telkom, 2002-2003
  4. Jurnal Teknologi, Poltek Negeri Lhokseumawe, 2002
  5. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, F. MIPA Unila, 2002-2003
  6. Jurnal Teknologi dan Energi, STT-YPLN Jakarta,2001-2003
  7. Jurnal RISTEK, Univ. Bandar Lampung, 2002

Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional **
  1. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Society, 2000
  2. Proceedings Vol 1 October 28th-31st APCCAS Denpasar Bali Indonesia, IEEE, 2002
Buletin,Majalah Ilmiah Lokal
  1. Majalah IPTEK, Univ. Sepuluh November Surabaya, 2002

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