Buku Teks (textbooks) |
- Prinsip-prinsip elektronika,Albert paul malvino;alih bahasa M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia,Erlangga,1986&1996
- Vademekum Elektronika,Wasito S,Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1995
- Quantum Elektronics,Yariv, Amnon,Newyork:John Wiley & Sons,1989
- Kamus Elektronika Inggris – indonesia,Wasito,Jakarta:Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1996
- Field and wave Electromagnetics,Cheng, david K.,New York:Addison-wesley Publishing Company,1989
- Molecular Electronic-structure theory,Helgaker, Trygve,New York:john Wiley & Sons LTD.2000
- Introduction to the electronic properties of materials,Jiles, David,London: chapman & hall,1993
- Eleectronic properties of enggineering materials, Livingston, James D,New York: John Wiley & Sons,inc,1999
- Electricity: principles and applications,Fowler, Richard J,New York: Mcgraw-Hill,1999
- Electricity-electronics fundamentals: A tekt-lab manual,Zbar, Paul B,New York: Macmilan,1986
- Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of basic electricity,Gussow, Milton,New York: McGraw-Hill,1983
- Dasar teknik tenaga listrik dan elektronika daya,Zuhal,Gramedia Pustaka Utama,1995
- Electromechanics: principles concepts, and devices,Harter, james H,Prentice Hall,1995
- Transform circuit analysis for engineering and technology,Stanley, William D,Prentice Hall,2000
- Basic Electricity: a text-lab manual,Zbar, Paul B,Macmillan,1991
- Electric energy systems theory : an introduction,Elgerd, Olle I, tata Mcgraww- Hill Publishing Company Limimed,1999
- Power electronics for Technology,Ahmed, Ashfaq, Prentice Hall,1997
- Introduction to power electronics,Hart, Daniel W,Prentice hall,1997
- Principles of power electronics,Kassakian, John G,Addison-wesley Publishing Company,1991]
- Power electronics: converters, applications, and design, Mohan, Ned,john Wiley & Sons, Inc,1995
- Elektronika Daya : rangkaian, devais, dan aplikasinya, Rashid, Muhammad H,Prenhallindo,1999
- Introduction to modern power electronics,Trzynadlowski, Andrzej M, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Electric circuits,Balabanian, Norman,Mcgraw-Hill, Inc,1994
- Basic electric circuit analysis,David E. Johnson,Prentice Hall,1995
- Student solution manual to accompany electronic devices and circuits and electronic devices and circuits : convertional flow version,Hassul, Michael,Prentice Hall,1997
- Electrical circuits and systems : an introduction for engineers and physical scientists,Howatson, A.M,Oxford University Press,1996
- Basic engineering circuit analysis,Irwin, J. David,John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1998
- Inside spice : Overcoming the obstacles of circuit simulation,Kielkowski, Ron M,McGraw-Hill,1995
- Schaum’s otline of theory and problems in electric circuits,O’malley, John,McGraw-Hill,1992
- Schaum’s 3000 solved problem in electric circuits,Nasar, A. Syed,McGraw-Hill,1988
- Linear and non linear circuits, Chua, Leon O,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1987
- Electric circuits,Bogart, Theodore F,Glencoe,1992
- The analysis and design of linear circuits,Thomas, Roland E,Prentice Hall,1998
- Electrical installation calculation : for compliance with BS 7671 : 1992 (the wiring regulations),jenkins, B.D,Blackwell Science & ECA,1999
- Drafting for electronics,Lamit, Louis Gary,Prentice Hall,1998
- The illustrated dictionary of electronics,editor : stan gibilis,Mcgraw-Hill,1997
- Electronic project and circuit,Tiwana, Amrit Bir,Tech Publication PTE LTD,1998
- Introduction to high-speed electronics and optoelectronics,Riaziat, M.L.,John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1996
- Chip scale package(chp) : design, materials, processes, reliabi Press any key to continue,lau, John H,McGraw-Hill,1999
- Fundamentals of solid-state electronics : solution manual,sah, Chih-Tang,World Scientific,1996
- Microelectronics : an integrated approach, Howe, Roger T., Prentice-Hall,1997
- Frequency selective surfaces : Theory and Design,Ben A. Munk, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,2000
- Sinyal & sistem , Alan V. Oppenheim, Erlangga,2000
- Introduction to multichip modules , Naveed Sherwani, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1995
- Analogue electronic circuit and systems ,Amitava Basak, Cambridge University Press,1991
- Introduction to digital circuits , Theodore F. Bogart, Macmillan ,1991
- A first course in digital electronics , Nigel P. Cook, Prentice Hall,1999
- Introduction to electric circuits , Richard C. Dorf, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1999
- Fundamentals of electrical drives , Gopal K. Dubey, Toppan Company (S) Pte Ltd,1995
- Fundamentals of analog circuits , Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall,1999
- Principles of digital design , Daniel D. Gajski., Prentice Hall,1997
- Bioelectronics handbook : mosfets, biosensors, and neurons, Grattarola, Massimo, McGraw-Hill,1998
- Electronic devices and circuits : conventional flow version, Hassul, Michael, Prentice Hall,1997
- Electronic devices and circuits , Michael Hassul, Prentice Hall,1997
- Modern electronic instrumentation and measuarement techniques Albert D. Helfrick, Prentice-Hall International,1994
- Digital electronics : a practical approach, William Kleitz, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,1999
- Fundamentals of microelectronics processing,Hong H. Lee, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,1990
- Gallium arsenide digital integrated circuit design, Long, Stephen I, McGraw-Hill,1990
- Electric circuits ,James W. Nilsson, Prentice-Hall,2000
- Introductory electronic devices and circuits : conventional flow version , Robert T. Paynter, Prentice-Hall Internasional,1997
- Circuit analysis for power engineering handbook , Arieh L. Shenkman, Kluwer Academic publishers,1998
- Electronics : circuits and devices, Ralph J. Smith, John Wiley & Sons,1987
- Activities manual for digital electronics , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1998
- Digital electronics : principles and applications , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1998
- Instructor’s resource guide for digital electronics , Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1994
- Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of digital principles, Roger L. Tokheim, McGraw-Hill,1994
- Basic electronics : a text-lab manual , Paul B. Zbar, McGraw-Hill,1994
- Basic electronics : a text-lab manual , Paul B. Zbar, Macmillan,1994
- An introduction to power electronics , B.M. Bird, John Wiley & Sons,1993
- Power electronics,Cyril W. Lander, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1993
- Up to date diode 2 O…1N…1S…U : data & comparison tables, ECA. 4 Auflage, Tech Publications Pte,1997
- The semicon indexes international transistor index :Data & Substitutions, Tech Publications pte,1993
- Towers international transistor selector : Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors,Tech Publications PTE,1992
- An introduction to circuit analysis : a systems approach,Donald E. Scott, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1987
- Printed circuits handbook , Clyde F. Coombs, McGraw-Hill,1995
- Computer-aided electronic circuit board design and fabrication : Using orcad,sdt and orcad,pcb software tools , Akram Hossain, Prentice Hall,1996
- Electronic devices , Joseph J. Carr, Macmillan,1993
- Electronic devices : a text and software problems manual, Schultz, Mitchel E, McGraw-Hill,1994
- Principles of testing electronic systems, Samiha Mourad, John Wiley & Sons,2000
- Electronic circuits : discrete and integrated , Donald L. Schilling, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1989
- Microelectronic devices , Edward S. Yang, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1988
- Understanding electricity and electronics technology , Peter Buban, McGraw-Hill,1992
- Electronics in industry,George M. Chute,McGraw-Hill Book Company,1979
- Foundations of electronics , J.R. Cogdell, Prentice Hall,1999
- Principles of electronic instrumentation , A. James Diefenderfer, Saunders College Pub.,1994
- Gateway into electronics , Peter Carroll, Dunn, John Wiley & Sons,2000
- Dasar-dasar elektroteknik , A.E. Fitzgerald, David E ; diterjemahkan oleh pantur Silaban,Erlangga,1993
- Electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,,1996
- Applied digital electronics , D.C. Green, Longman,1999
- Basic electricity and electronics , Delton T. Horn,Macmillan,1993
- Industri informasi dalam dekade 80-an , pengalih bahasa Bob Widyahartono, Alumni,1983
- Modern digital electronics ,R.P. Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,1998
- Simplified design of voltage-frequency converters , John D.Lenk, Newnes,1989
- Industrial electronics : applications for programmble controllers, instrumentation and process control, and electrical machines and motor controls,Thomas E. Kissell, Prentice Hall,2000
- Electronic transformers and circuits , Reuben Lee, Leo Wilson, Charles E. Carter, John Wiley & Sons,1988
- Industrial electronics , James Maas, New Jersey : Prentice Hall,1995
- Electronic Principles , Albert Paul Malvino, Glencoe,McGraw-Hill,1999
- Alat penduga logika gerbang dasar Ic TTL dan IC CMOS oleh Ferman Manullang, D3-Fisika-FMIPA,2002
- Mechatronics : electronics in products and processes,D.A. Bradley … [et al.], Chapman & Hall,1991
- Elektronika terpadu = integrated electronics : rangkaian dan sistem analog dan digital , Jacob Millman, Christos C. Halkias ; diterjemahkan : M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia, Erlangga,1997
- Integrated electronics : analog and digital circuits and systems,Jacob Millman, Chistos C. Halkias, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1972
- Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of introduction to digital systems , James E. Palmer, David E. Perlman, McGraw-Hill,1993
- Introductory eletronis devices and circuits : eletron flow version, Robert T. Paynter, Prentice Hall,2000
- Activities manual for industrial electronics,Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
- Instructor’s resource guide for industrial electronics , Frank D.Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
- Industrial electronics , Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill,1996
- Basic electronics , Malcolm Plant, Hodder & Stoughton,1990
- Digital electronics , Ray Ryan, Lisa A. Doyle, Glencoe,1993
- Fundamentals of solid-state electronics,Chih Tang Sah, World Scientific,1991
- Active and non-linear electronics, Thomas . Schubert, Ernest M Kim, John Wiley & Sons,1996
- Electronics : principles and applications , Charles A. Schuler, McGraw-Hill,1999
- Electronics : principles and applications,Charles A. Schuler, Macmillan,1994
- Vibration analysis for electronic equipment,Dave S. Steinberg,John Wiley & Sons,2000
- Elektronika : teori dasar dan penerapannya,Sutrisno, Bandung : ITB-Press,1986
- Transparency masters for basic skills in electricity and electronics,McGraw-Hill,1995
- McGraw-Hill benchtop electronics handbook,Victor F.C. Veley,McGraw-Hill,1998
- Dasar-dasar Elektronika,H.C.Yohanes,Ghalia,1988
- Instructor’s guide for basic electronics: A text-lab manual,Paul B. Zbar, McGraw-Hill,1994
- Flip chip technologies,John H. Lau, McGraw-Hill,1995
- Electric circuits using electronics workbench : Hardware and simulation exercise,John P. Boris,Prentice Hall,200
- Rectifiers, cycloconverters, and ac controllers,Thomas H. Barton,Clarendon,1994
- Integrating reliability into microelectronis manufacturing,Aris Christou,John Wiley & Sons,1996
- Wire Bonding in microelectronics : materials, processes, reliability and yield,George G. Harman,Mc-GrawHill,1997
- Microelectronic circuit design,Richard C. jaeger, McGraw-Hill,1997
- Practical analog electronics for technicians, Will Kimber, Oxford,1997
- MOS Switched-Capacitor and continuous-time integrated circuit and systems : analysis and design, Rolf Unbehauen, Andrzej Cichocki, Springer-Verlag,1989
- Low noise electronic system design,C.D. Motchenbacher, J.A Connelly, Jhon Willey & Sons,1993
- Komunikasi Elektronika,Dennis Roddy, John Coolen,Erlangga,1996
- Wavelest and multiscala signal processing,Albert Cohen, Robert D. Ryan,Chapman & Hall,1995
- Simplified design of data converters,John D. Lenk,Newnes,1997
- Circuit design for cmos vlsi, John P. Uyemura, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1992
- Physical design of CMOS integrated circuit using m, John P. Uyemura,PWS Publishing Comp., 1995
- Theory and problems of electric circuits in si units, Joseph A. Edminister, McGraw-Hill,1965
- Theory and problems of electric circuits , Joseph A. Edminister, McGraw-Hill,1983
- Problem solving made almost easy: a companion to fundamentals of electric circuits, Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku,, McGraw-Hill,2000
- Modern industrial electronics, Timothy J. Maloney, Prentice Hall, 1996
- Using The M68CH11 Microcontroller, John C. Skroder, Prentice Hall, 1997
- Element of Gas Turbine Propulsion, Jack D Mattingly,Mc Graww Hill, 1996
- International Encyclopedia of Robotics, Richard C Dorf, Wiley Interscince, 1988
- Transportation Engineering, James T Ball P. E., Mc Graw Hill, 2001
- Principles of Energy Conversion, Archie W Culp Jr Phd, Mc Graww hill, 1991
- Practical Electronic Handbook, Ian Sinclair, Newnes, 2001
- Complete Handbook of Electronic Motor Control ,John E Traister,The Fairmont Press ,1994
- Electronic portable Handbook,Stan Gibilisco,Mc Graww Hill,2000
- Handbook of Electrical Installation Practice,Alan Smith,Blackwell Science,1996
- Guide to National Electrical Code,Thomas L Harman, Charles E Allen,Prentice Hall,1999
- American Electrician Handbook (XII),Terrel Croft, Wilford I Summers,Mc Graww Hill,1992
- American Electrician Handbook (XIII),Terrel Croft, Wilford I Summers,Mc Graww Hill,1996
- Electrical Instalation,ECA, NIC, EIC, SELECT,Blackwell Science,1992
- Electrical Instalation Guide,Maurice Lewis,Newnes,1997
- Power System Stability Handbook,Pansini EE. PE,The Fairmont Press ,1992
- The linemans and Cablemans Field Manual,Thomas M Shoemaker, James E Mack,Mc Graww Hill,2000
- Instrumentation reference Book,B E Noltingk,Butterworth Heineman,1996
- Encyclopedia of Engineering,Sybil P Parker,Mc Graww Hill,1992
- Battery Reference Book,T R Cromton,Newnes,2000
- Practical Transformer Handbook,Irving M Gottlieb FE,Newnes,1998
- Electric Motor,H Weare Beaty, James L Kritley Jr ,Mc Graww Hill,1998
- Handbook of Transformer Design and Applicatin (II),William M Flanagan,Mc Graw Hill,1993
- Kamus Fisika Mikroelektronika,Adhi Susanto, Hartini Supadi,Depdikbud,1998
- Handbook of Digital Signal Processing,Sanjit K Mitra, James F Kaiser,Wiley Interscince,1993
- Digital Consumer Electronic Handbook,Ronald K Jurgen,Mc Graww Hill,1997
- Metals Handbook,J R Davis, Davis & Associates,ASM International,1998
- Voice and Data Networking,Nathan J Muller,Mc Graww Hill,2000
- The Fax Modem Sourcebook,Andrew Margolis,Wiley Interscince,1995
- Communications Technology Handbook,Geoff Lewis,Focal Press,1997
- Electronic Connector Handbook,Robert S Mroczkowski,Mc Graww Hill,1998
- The VHDL Reference,Ulrich Heinkel, Thomas Buerner, Martin Padeffke, Werner Haas, Herbert Brasz, Thomas Gentner, Alexander Grussman,Wiley Interscince,2000
- Digital Electronic (Instructur’s Resource Guide for),Roger L Tokheim,Mc Graww Hill,1998
- A Textbook of Electrical Technology,B L Theraja,S Chamd and Comp,1999
- Kamus Teknik Listrik, K G Jackson, 1994
- National Electrical Code Handbook, Joseph F Mc Partland, Brian J Mc Partland, Mc Graw Hill, 1993
- Benchtop Electronic Handbook, Victor F C Veley, Mc Graw Hill,1998
- Thin Film technology Handbook, Aicha E L Shabini Riad,Fred D Barlow III, IEPS, Mc Graw Hill,1998
- Electric Cables Handbook (III), G F Moore, Blackwell Science, 1982
- Operation and Modellry of The MOS Transistor (II), Yannis Tsiadivis, Mc Graw Hill, 1999
- Electronics Drafting Workbook (IV), Cynis Krishner, Kurt M Stone, Mc Graw Hill, 1985
- Stimulation Engineering Handbook, John W Ely, Pennwell Books, 1994
- Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, John G Webster, Wiley Interscience, 2000
- Handbook of Practical Electrical Design,Joseph F Mc Partland, Brian J Mc Partland,Mc Graw-Hill,1995
- The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs,Robert Schetgen,ARRL,1994
- Radio Handbook (XX),William I Orr, WSSAI,Howard W Sams LCO,1967
- Desktop Encyclopedia Of Telecommunications (II),Nathan J Muller,Mc Graw-Hill,2000
- Power Electronics Handbook,Fraidon Mazda,Newnes,1990
- T Illustrated Dictionary of Electronic,Stan Gibilisco,Mc Graww Hill,1997
- Basic Skills in Electricity and Electronic series,Mc Graww Hill,1995
- Consumer Electronics component Handbook,Homer L Davidson,Mc Graww Hill,1998
- T Wirelees Data Handbook (4),James F Derose ,John Willey,1999
- Fiber Optic Standard Dictionary (III),Martin H Weik,Chapman Hall,1997
- A Practical guide to the wiring regulation II,,Blackwell ,1994
- HB of Industrial Robotics II,Shimon Y NOF,John Willey,1999
- Aktivities Manual For Dig Electronic (4),Tokheim ,Mc Graw – Hill,1994
- The Lineman’s Cableman’s HB (9),Edward B Kurtz, Thomas M Shoemaker, James E Mack,Mc Graw Hill,1997
- Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices,Kwok K Ng,Mc Graw Hill,1995
- Energy Marketing Handbook,Denise Warkentln,Penwell Books,1996
- National Electrical Code Handbook (XVII),Joseph F Mc Partland,Mc Graw Hill,1981
- A Simple Approach to Digital Signal Processing , Marven, Craig , John Wiley & Son,1996
- A+ Certification Concepts & Practice , Charles Brooks , Que ELT , 1999
- Active and Passive Analog Filter : An Introduction , Huelsman, Lawrence P., Mc Graw Hill , 1993
- Activities Manual For Microprocessors : Principles and Applications , Gilmore, Charles M. , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- Ada Plus Data Structures : An Object Based Approach , Dale, Nell , Dc Health & comp , 1996
- Advanced Computer Architectures : A Design Space Approach , Sima, Deszo , Wesley , 1997
- Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics , Balanis, Constantine A. , John Wiley & Sons,1989
- Advanced IT Tools : IFIP World Conference on IT Tools , Tarashima, Nobuyoshi , IFIP , 1996
- Advanced Microprocessors , Tabak, Daniel , Mc Graw Hill , 1995
- Algorithm for VLSI Physical Design Automation , Sherwam , Kluwer Academin Pubs , 1995
- Algorithmics : The Spirit of Computing , Harel, David , Addison – Wesley ,1992
- American Electrician’s Handbook , Croft, Terrell , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- An Introductiion to VLSI Physical Design , Sarrafzadeh, M. , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- Analog VLSI : Signal and Information Processing , Ismail Fiez, Mohammed , Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits , Gray, Paul R. , John Wiley & Sons,1993
- Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuit , Hodges, David A., Mc Graw Hill , 1988
- Antennas for Radar & Communication a Polarimetric Approach , Mott , John Wiley & Sons,1992
- Application Programming in Cobol : Concepts, Techniques, and Applications , Uckan, Yuksel , Dc Health & Comp , 1992
- Basic Circuit Theory , Huelsman, Lawrence P., Mc Graw Hill, 1985
- C Programming for Engineering and Computer Science , Tan, H. H., Mc Graw Hill, 1999
- Cable Television Technology and Operations : HDTV and NTSC Systems , Bartlett, Eugene R. , Mc Graw Hill, 1990
- Circuit, Devices and Process Simulation : Mathematical and Numerical Aspects , Carey, graham . F. , John willey & Sons, 1996
- Circuits Analysis for Power Engineering Handbook , Shenkman, Arieh L , Kluwer , 1998
- Cleanroom Software Engineering Practices , Becker, Shirley A. , Kluwer, 1998
- Companion in Direct Current Technology , Jairam, Ashton , PH, 2000
- Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools , Aho, Alfred V. , Wesley, 1986
- Complete System Analysis : The Workbook, the Textbook, the Answers , Robertson, James , James & Suzane , 1998
- Computational Methods for Electromagnetics & Microwave , Booton , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
- Computer Aided Logical Design : With Emphasis on VLSI , Hill, Frederick J. , John Wiley & Sons , 1993
- Computer and Robot Vision , Haralick, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1993
- Computer and Thought : A Practical Introduction to Artificial Intelligence , Fergenbaum, Edward A. , AAAI , 1995
- Computer Architecture and Organization , Hayes, John P., Prentice Hall , 1996
- Computer Graphics : Using Open GL , Hill, F.S., Prentice Hall , 2001
- Computer Networks and Internets , Comer, Douglas E., Prentice Hall , 1996
- Computer Organization , Hamacher, V. Carl , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- Computer Systems Design and Architecture , Heuring, Vincent P. , Wisley , 1997
- Computer Technology in Biomaterials Science and Engineering , Sloten, Jos Vander, John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy , Sheppard, C.J.R., BIOS , 1997
- Control Engineering , Bissell, C.C. , Chapman , 1994
- Control Oriented System Identification : AnH Approach , Chen, Jie , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Data Abstraction and Structures Using C++ , Headington, Mark R., John N. Bartlett ,1997
- Data Structure in Pascal : A Laboratory Course , Roberge, James , Heath , 1994
- Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Principles , Standish, Thomas A. , Wesley , 1994
- Design and Analysis of Heat Sinks , Kraus, Allan D., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Design and Realization of Bipolar Transistor , Ashburn, Peter , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
- Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and System , Laker, Kenneth R., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12,11 Microcontrollers , Haskell, Richard E., Prentice Hall , 2000
- Design of Small Electrical Machines , Hamdi, E.S., John Wiley & Sons , 1987
- Developing Software for the User Interface, Bass, Len, Wesley , 1991
- Digiatal Filter Design , Parks, T.W. , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
- Digital Circuits and Microprocessors , Taub, Herbert , Mc Graw Hill , 1985
- Digital Design from Zero to One , Daniels, Jerry D. , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
- Digital Design Principles and Computer Architecture , Karalis, Edward , Prentice Hall , 1992
- Digital Electronics , Ryan, Ray, , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
- Digital Filtering an Introduction , Cunningham, Edward P., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Digital Filters and Signal Processing , Jakson, Leland B. , Kluwes, 1996
- Digital Fundamentals , Floyd, Thomas L., Prentice Hall , 1996
- Digital Image Processing , Pratt, William K, Wiley Interscience , 1991
- Digital Image Processing , Castleman, Kenneth R., Prentice Hall,1996
- Digital Mantras : The Languages of Abstract and Virtual Worlds , Holtzman, Steven R., MIT Press , 1995
- Digital Multimedia , Chapman, Nigel, John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Digital Processing of Signal : Theory and Practice , Bellanger, Maurice , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Digital Signal Process a Computer Based Approach , Sanjit K. Mitra , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
- Digital Signal Processing , Cavicchi, Thomas J., John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Digital Signal Processing : A Parctical Approach , Ifeachor, Emmanuel C. , Wesley , 1997
- Digital Signal Processing : Implementation Using The TMS3206000 TM DSP Platform , Dahnous, Naim , Pearson Education, 2000
- Digital System : Principles and Applications , Tocci, Ronald J., Prentice Hall , 1998
- Digital Systems and Hardware,Firmware Algorithms , Ercegovac, Milos D., John Wiley & Sons , 1985
- Digital Television MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and Principles of the DVB System , Benoit, Herve , Arnold, 1997
- Digital Transmission Engineering, Anderson, John B. , Prentice Hall, 1999
- Discrete Structures, Logis, and Computability , Hein, James L., John & Bartlett , 1995
- Discrete Time Signal Processing , Oppenheim, Alan V., Prentice Hall , 1999
- Dynamics & Control of Large Electric Power System , Llic Zaberszky , John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Electric Circuit Analysis , Schuler , Prentice Hall, 2000
- Electric Circuits , Bogart, Theodore F. , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
- Electric Power Systems , Weedy, B.M., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Electric Utility Systems and Practices , John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Electrical Engineering : For All Engineerings , Roadstrum, William H., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Electrical Engineering Principles Application , Hambley , Prentice Hall, 1997
- Electrical Transients in Power System , Greenwood, Allen , John Wiley & Sons , 1991
- Electricity-Electronics Fundamentals : A Text-Lab Manual , Zbar, Paul B. , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
- Electromagnetics , Kraus, John D., Mc Graw Hill , 1992
- Electromagnetics Waves , Someda, Carlo G., Chapman & Hall , 1998
- Electromechanical Energy Devices and Power Systems , Yamayee, Zia A., John Wiley & Sons , 1994
- Electronic Circuit , Schilling Belove , Mc Graw Hill , 1989
- Electronic Circuits , Balabanian, Norman , Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Electronic Communication System , Kennedy, George , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
- Fiber-Optic Communication System , Agrawal, Govind P., John Wiley & Sons , 1997
- Field-Programmable Custom Computing Technology : Architectures, Tools, Applications , Kluwer , 2000
- Fields and Waves in Communication Elctronics , Ramo, Simon , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
- Fixed and Mobile Telecommunications: Networks, System and Services , Duuren, Jan Van , Addison – Wesley , 1996
- Flip Chip Technologies , Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- Fortran 95 Handbook Complete ISO, ANSI Reference , Jeane Adam , 1997
- Foundations of Electronics , Cogdell, J.R. , Jeane Adam , 1997
- Foundations of Medical Imaging , Cho, Z.H., John Wiley & Sons , 1993
- Frequency Synthesizers : Theory and Design , Manassewitsch, Vadim, John Wiley & Sons , 1987
- Frontiers of Expert Systems : Reasoning with Limited Knowledge , Mohan, Chilukuri K., Kluwer , 2000
- Fundamental of Neural Network : Architectures, Algorithms and Applications , Fausett, Laurene , Prentice Hall, 1994
- Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics , Ulaby, Fawwas T., Prentice Hall, 1997
- Fundamentals of Microelectronics Processing , Lee, Hong H., Mc Graw Hill , 1990
- Fundamentals of PLC, Sensors & Communications , Stenerson , Prentice Hall, 1999
- Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication , Frey, Brendan J. , Massachuset Tech , 1998
- Hand on Pspice , Gottling , Houghton Mifflin Co , 1995
- High Speed VLSI Interconnector Modelling, Analysis Simulator , Goel , John Wiley & Sons , 1994
- Hughes : Electrical Technology , Hughes, Edward , Prentice Hall, 1995
- IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming , Abel, Peter , Prentice Hall, 1998
- Inductive Logic Programming : From Machine Learning to Software Engineering , Bergandano, Francesco , MIT Press , 1996
- Information Theory and Reliable Communication , Gallager, Robert G., John Wiley & Sons , 1968
- Inside Spice : Overcoming The Obstacles of Circuit Simulatioan , Kielkowski, Ron M., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices : Theory and Application , Deboo, Gordon J., Microsoft , 1998
- Integrated Electronics : Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems , Millman, Jacob , Mc Graw Hill , 1977
- Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems : Strategic Views , Antsaklis, Panos J., Kluwer ,2000
- Internetworking with TCP,IP Vol 2 Design, Implementation and Internals , Comer, Douglas E., Prentice Hall, 1999
- Intranet Ware,Net Watre 4.11 : Administration, Troubleshooting and TCP,IP , Awwad, Mike Mutasem, Prentice Hall, 2000
- Introducing Computers : Concepts, Systems, and Applications , Blissmer, Robert H., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Introducing Microsoft Windows 2000 Server , Northrup, Tony , Microsoft , 1999
- Introduction to Algorithms : A Creative Approach , Manber, Udi , Wesley , 1989
- Introduction to Communications Engineering , Gagne, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1988
- Introduction to Computers for Engineering and Technology , Mansfield, Kenneth C., Prentice Hall, 2000
- Introduction to Data Communications Using Novel Netware , Beheler, Ann , Prentice Hall, 1999
- Introduction to Device Modelling & Circuit Simulatoion , Fjeldly, John Wiley & Sons , 1994
- Introduction to Digital Mobile Communication , Akaiwa, Yoshihiko , Welley Intl , 1997
- Introduction to Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Laboratory Textbook, Smith, Mark J.T., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Introduction to Digital Systems , Ercegovac, Milos D., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering , Paul, Clayton R. , Mc Graw Hill , 1992
- Introduction to Electromagnetic and Microwave Engineering , Karmel, Paul R. ., John Wiley & Sons , 1998
- Introduction to Electromagnetics Fields , Paul, Clayton R., Mc Graw Hill, 1998
- Introduction to Electronic Devices , Shur, Michael , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
- Introduction to Electronics DC,AC Circuits , Harsany, Stephen C., Prentice Hall , 2000
- Introduction to Fourier Optics : Solutions Manual to Accompany , Goodman Joseph W., Mc Graw Hill, 1996
- Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Recording , Comstock, R. Lawrence , John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Introduction to Nuclear Engineering , Lamarsh, John R., Wesley , 1983
- Introduction to PSpice : Circuit Analysis , Gotting, James G., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Introduction to Random Signals Applied Kalman Filtering , Brown, Robert Grover , John Wiley & Sons , 1992
- Introduction to Signals and Systems , Lindner, Douglas k., Mc Graw Hill , 1999
- Introductor to Electromagnetic Field , Paul White Nasar , Mc Graw Hill , 1998
- Introductory Electronics Devices and Circuits : Electron Flow Version , Paynter, Robert T., PWS publishing , 1996
- Laser Electronics , Verdeyen, Joseph T., Prentice Hall , 1995
- Lighting for Health and Safety , Smith, N.A., Butterworth Heinemann, 2000
- Linear and Nonlinear Circuit , Chua, Leon O., Mc Graw Hill , 2000
- Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Nash, Stephen G., Mc Graw Hill , 1996
- Local & Metropolitan Area Network, Stallings, William, Prentice Hall , 2000
- Low-Power Digital VLST Design: Circuits and Systems , Bellaouar, Abdellatif, Kluwer , 1995
- Mastering Web Design, McCoy, John, Sybex, 1996
- Mastering Word Perfect 6.1 for Windows , Simpson, Alan , Sybex, 1995
- Mcgraw-Hill Electronic Troubleshooting Handbook , Lenk, John D., Mc Graw Hill , 1998
- Microchip Fabrication : A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing , Van Zant, Peter, Mc Graw Hill , 1997
- Microcomputer Application , Grauer Sugrul, Mc Graw Hill , 1991
- Microelectronic Switched-Capacitor Filters : With ISICAP : A Computer-Aided-Design Package , Baher, H., John Wiley & Sons , 1996
- Microelectronic Systems : A Practical Approach, Ditch, W, 1995
- Microprocessor Architecture : From VLIW to TTA , Corporaal, Henk ., John Wiley & Sons , 1998
- Microprocessor System Design : 68000 Hardware, Software and Interfacing , Clements, Alan, 1997
- Microprocessors and Microcomputers : Hardware and Software , Tocci, Ronald J., Prentice Hall , 1998
- Microsim PSpice and Circuit Analysis , Keown, John, Prentice Hall , 1998
- Microsim PSpice for Windows : Operational Amplifiers and Digital Circuit : A Circuit Simulation Primer ,Goody, Roy W., Prentice Hall , 1998
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 Training , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft Press, 1998
- Microsoft Office 2000 Expert Companion : Tips, Tricks, and Utilities for the Power User , Jacobson, Reed , Microsoft Press, 1999
- Microsoft Photodraw 2000 by Design , Tait, William , Microsoft Press, 2000
- Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 Training , Microsoft Corporation , Microsoft Press, 1998
- Microsoft Windows NT 4. 0 : Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Stanek, William R., Microsoft Press, 1999
- Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals , Lee, William C.Y., John wiley & Sons, 1993
- Modeling for Design Using AutoCad Release 13 and AutoSurf , Stewart, Michael D., Autodesk ,1997
- Modern Communications and Spread Spectrum , Cooper, George R., Mc Graw Hill , 1986
- Modern Digital Electronics , Jain, R. P., Mc Graw Hill , 1999
- Modern IC Data & Substitution Manual , Lotia, Manahar, Tech, 1997
- Modern Semiconductor Device Physics , Sm Sze , John wiley & Sons , 1998
- Modern Sound IC Data & Substitution Manual with stk IC Data & Application Manual , Lotia, Manahar, 1997
- Modern VLSI Design : System on Silicon , Wolf, Wayne Hendrix , Prentice Hall , 1998
- Mosfet Modeling with SPICE : Principles and Practice , Foty, Daniel P., Prentice Hall , 1997
- Multimedia Application Support for Wireless ATM Networks, Hac, Anna, Prentice Hall , 2000
- Multimedia Computing, Communication and Aplications , Steinmetz , Prentice Hall , 1995
- Multivariable Control System Design Techniques: Dominance and Direct Methods , Bryant, G. F. , John Wiley & Sons , 1996
- Multivariable Feedback Design , Maciejowski, J.M. , Wesley , 1996
- Network Operating Systems : Making the Right Choices , Hunter, Philip, Wesley , 1995
- Neural and Adaptive System : Fundamental Through Simulation , Principe, Jose C., John Wiley & Sons , 2000
- Neuro Fuzzy Pattern Recognition : Methods in Soft Computing , Pal, Sankar K., John Wiley & Sons , 2000, 1999
- Neuro-Vision systems : Principles and Applications, Gupta, Knopf, IEEE Press, 1994
- Noise Theory of Linear and Non Linear Circuits , Engberg, Jakob, John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Object-Oriented Client,Server Application Development : Using Object PAL and C++ , Ayer, Steve J., Mc Graw Hill , 1995
- Operating Systems a Systematic View, Davis, William S., Benjamin Cummings Publs Co , 1992
- Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits , Coughlin, Robert F., Prentice Hall , 1998
- Optical Communications , Gagliardi, Robert M., John Wiley & Sons , 1995
- Optical Computing : Survey for Computer Scientists , Feitelson, Dror G., MIT Press, 1988
- Optical Fiber Communications , Keiser, Gerd , Mc Graw Hill , 1991
- Optical Fiber Communications , Keiser, Gerd , Mc Graw Hill , 2000
- Optics of Liquit Crystal Display , Yeh, Pochi ., John Wiley & Sons , 1999
- Optimal Control : Basic and Beyond , Whittle, Peter, John Wiley & Sons , 1996
- Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines , Vas, Peter , Oxford Univ. Press, 1993
- Passive and Active Filters , Chen, Wai-Kai , John Wiley & Sons , 1986
- PC Ph.D. : Inside PC Interfacing, Predko, Myke, Mc Graw Hill , 2000
- Pentium Processors System Architecture , Anderson, Don , Wesley , 1995
- Performance Modelling of Communication Networks and Computer Architectures , Harrison, Peter G., Wesley , 1993
- Personal Videoconferencing , Rosen, Evan, Manning, 1996
- Phase Lock Basics , Egan, William F. , John Wiley & Sons , 1998
- Photovoltaic Conversion of Concentrated Sunlight , Andreev, V.M. , John Wiley & Sons , 1997
- Physical Foundations of Solid State and Electron Devices, Ferendeci, Altan M., Mc Graw Hill , 1991
- Physics : For Scientists and Engineers , Lerner, Lawrence S., Jones & Bartlet Publs. , 1996
- Physics of Amorphous Semiconductors , Morigaki, Kazuo , World Scientific, 1999
- Physics of Semiconductor Devices , Sze, S.M., John Wiley & Sons, 1981
- Plug and Play System Architecture , Mindshare, Inc., Wesley , 1995
- Power and Communication Cables : Theory and Applications, Bartnikas R., Srivastava K.D. , Mc Graw Hill , 2000
- Power Electronics , Lander, Cyril W. , Mc Graw Hill , 1993
- Power Electronics : Converters, Applications and Design , Mohan, Ned , John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Power Electronics for Tech, Ahmed, Prentice Hall , 1999
- Power Generation, Operation and Control , Wood, Allen J., John Wiley & Sons, 1996
- Power Industry Abbreviator , Berke, Danielle, Pennwell Book , 1995
- Power Mosfets : Theory and Applications , Grant, Duncan A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1989
- Power Programming in HP Openinview : Developing CMIS Applications , Caruso, Raymond , Prentice Hall , 1997
- Power System Analysis , Bergen, Arthur R., Prentice Hall , 2000
- Power System Analysis, Gross, Charles A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1986
- Power System Dynamics : Stability and Control , Padiyat, K.R. , John Wiley & Sons, 1996
- Power System Engineering, Nagratth, I.J., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Power System Harmonic Analysis , Arrilaga, Jos, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
- Power System Quality Assessment, Arrilaga Watson Chen, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
- Power Transmission and Distribution , Pansini, Anthony J., Pennwell Publsh. Co , 1991
- Practical Electronics Handbook , Sinclair, Ian R., Newnes,2000
- Practical Transformer Handbook, Gottlieb, Irving M., Newnes,1998
- Pratical Data Communications , Freeman, Roger L., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering , Rizzoni, Giorgio, Mc Graw Hill , 2000
- Principles of Communication Systems, Taub, Herbert, Mc Graw Hill , 1986
- Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics , Sen P.C., John Wiley & Sons, 1997
- Principles of Electrical Engineering , Peebles, Peyton Z., Mc Graw Hill , 1991
- Principles of Measurement Systems , Bentley, John P., Longman, 1995
- Principles of Signals and System , Taylor, Fred J., Mc Graw Hill , 1994
- Principles of Superconductive Devices and Circuits , Van Duzer, Theodore, Prentice Hall , 1998
- Printed Circuits Handbook , Coombs, Clyde F., Mc Graw Hill , 1997
- Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Walpole, Ronald E., Prentice Hall ,1998
- Problem Solving Made Almost Easy: A Companion to Fundamentals of Electric Circuits ,Alexander, Charles K., Mc Graw Hill , 1997
- Problem Solving with Computer, Scragg, Greg W. , John & Bartlett Pubsl , 1997
- Problems and Solutions on Electromagnetism , Shu-ping, Zhao , World Scientific, 2000
- Programming in Pascal, Dale, Nell , John & Bartlett Pubsl , 1997
- Programming Logic for Business , Saret, Laura , Mc Graw Hill , 1992
- Programmming for Technology Student Using Visual Basic , Spasov, Peter , Prentice Hall , 1999
- Protecting LAN Resources : A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Protecting and Rebuilding a Network , Held, Gilbert , John wiley & Sons, 1995
- Quick Course in Microsoft Frontpage 2000 , Online Press, 1999
- Radar Principles , Peebles, Peyton Z., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Random Signal : Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis, Shanmugan, K. Sam, John Wiley & Sons, 1988
- Rating of Electric Power Cables : Ampacity Computations for Transmission, Distribution and Industrial Applications, Mc Graw Hill, 1997
- Remote LAN Access : A Guide the Right Architectures, Fritz, Jeffrey Neil, Manning Publications Co, 1996
- Resonant Power Converters, Kazimierczuk, Marian K., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Reventing Communication : A Guide to Using Visual Language for Planning, Problem Solving and Reengineering
- Rf and Microwave Wireless Systems, Chang, Kai, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Running Microsoft Outlook 2000, Neibauer, Alan , Microsoft Press, 1999
- Schaum’s 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits, Nasar, Syed A., Mc Graw Hill, 1988
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problem of Elctromagnetics, Edminister, Joseph A., Mc Graw Hill, 1993
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problem of Probability, Random Variables and Random Processes, Hsu, Hwei P., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Circuit analysis, O’malley, John. ., Mc Graw Hill, 1992
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, Cathey, Jimmie J., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics , Beiser, Arthur , Mc Graw Hill, 1993
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Machines and Electromechanics , Nasar, Syed A. , Mc Graw Hill, 1998
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Introduction to Digital Systems, Palmer, James E. , Mc Graw Hill, 1993
- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with C, Gottfried, Byron S., Mc Graw Hill, 1996
- Schematic Capture with MicroSim PSpice : For Windows Version 3.1, Herniter, Marc E., Prentice Hall, 2000
- Semiconductor Device , Kramer, Hitchon, Prentice Hall, 1997
- Semiconductor Measurements and Instrumentation, Runyan, W.R., Prentice Hall, 1998
- Semicondutor Material and Devices Characterization, Schroder, Dieter k., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Signal and Linear System Analysis, Carlson, Gordon E., John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Signal and Linear Systems, Gobel, Robert, John Wiley & Sons, 1987
- Signal and System : Continuous and Discrete, Ziemer, Rodger E., Prentice Hall , 1998
- Simulator Technique : Model of Communication Signal and Process, Gardner Bake, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
- Software Assessment : Reliability, Safety, Testability, Friedman, Michael A., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Software Engineering : A Practitioner’s Approach, Pressman, Roger S., Mc Graw Hill, 1997
- Solid State Materials, Radhakrishna, DaudS., Toppan Company , 1991
- Solid State Radio Engineering, Krauss, Herbert L., John Wiley & Sons, 1980
- Solution Manual to Accompany Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Tsividis, Yannis , John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Solutions Manual to Accompany Optical Fiber Communications, Keiser, Gerd, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing : Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive Filtering and Array Processing, Manolakis, Dimitris G., Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- Solving Interference Problem Electronics, Morrison, Ralph, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Sources of Power : How People Make Decisions, Klein, Gary, MIT Press, 1998
- Spread Spectrum System : With Commercial Applications, Dixon, Robert C., John Wiley & Sons, 1994
- Stability of Stochastic Elastic and Viscoelastic Systems, Potapov, V.D. , John Wiley & Sons, 1999
- State Variables for Engineers , De Russo, Ray Close, Desrochers, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
- Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists : A Computer Based Approach, Barnes, J.Wesley, Mc Graw hill, 1994
- Step Up to Networking : Your Introduction to the Concepts of Networking, Woodcock, Joanne, Microsoft Press, 1999
- Stochastic Processes, Estimation and Control : The Entopy Approach, Saridis, George N., John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Studio and Camcorder Television Production, Utz, Peter, Prentice Hall, 1999
- System Analysis and Design and the Transition to Objects, Dewitz, Sandra Donaldson, Mc Graw Hill, 1996
- System Programming, Donovan, John J., Mc Graw Hill, 1972
- TCP,IP and ONC,NFS : Internetworking in a Unix Environment, Santifaller, Michael, Wesley, 1994
- Telecommunication System Engineering, Freeman, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
- Telecommunication Tranmission System, Winch, Robert G., Mc Graw Hill, 1998
- Telecommunication Wiring, Herrick, Clyde N., Prentice hall, 1998
- Telecommunications Convergence : How to Profit from the Convergence of Technologies, Services and Companies, Shepard, Steven, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- Telecommunications Internetworking, Louis, P.J., Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- Telecommunications Engineering, Dunlop, J., Stanley Thoknes, 1994
- Telecommunications Primer : Data, Voice and Video Communicatiuons, Carne, E. Bryan, Prentice Hall, 1999
- Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks, Flood, J.E., Prentice Hall, 1999
- Telerobotics, Automation and Human Supervisory Control, Sheridan, Thomas B., MIT Press, 1992
- Television and Video Systems : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair, Buscombe, Charles G., Prentice Hall, 1999
- The 80251 Microcontroller, Ayala, Kenneth J., Prentice Hall, 2000
- The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System, Boshc, Keith, Wesley, 1996
- The Dictionary of Multimedia : Trems and Acronms, Hansen, Brad, Fitzroy Deakbokn, 1997,
- The Digital Word : Texs-Based Computing in the Humanities, MIT Press, 1993
- The Essence of Electric Power System, JA Harison, Prentice Hall, 1996
- The Indispensable PC Hardware Book : Your Hardware Questions Answered, Messmer, Hans-Peter, Wesley, 1997
- The Intelligent Network Standards : Their Application to Services, Faynberg, Igor, Mc Graw Hill, 1997
- The Motion Aftereffect a Modern Perspective, Mather, George, MIT Press, 1998
- The Practical Xilinx Designer Designer Lab Book, Van Den Bout, Dave, Prentice Hall, 1998
- The Spice Book, Vladimirescu, Andrei, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
- The Theory and Practice of Modem Design, Bingham, John A. , John Wiley & Sons, 1988
- The Verilog Hardware Description Language, Thomas, Donald E., Kluwer, 1995
- The Wireless Data Handbook, De Rose, James F., John Wiley & Sons,1999
- Today’s Video : Equipment, Setup and Production, Utz, Peter, Prentice Hall, 1999
- Turbo Pascal, Koffman, Elliot B., Addison Wesly Longman, 1998
- Two-Dimensional Imaging, Bracewell, Ronald N., Prentice Hall, 1995
- Ultrafast and Ultra-Parallel Optoelectronics, Sueta, T., Okoshi, T., John Wiley & Sons,1995
- Understanding Computers, Hopper, Grace Murray , West publs, 1990
- Unix System Security Essentials, Braun, Cristoph, Wesley, 1995
- Unix System V : A Practical Guide, Sobell, Mark G., Benjamin, Cumming Publs, 1995
- Up to Date Cmos 4000 : Data & Comparison Tables, Tech , ECA ASIA Pasific, 1993
- Up to Date Emitters & Optocouplers : Data & Comparison Tables Cqs 51 … yl-56 brt llh … 5400,005, Tech Publ, 2000
- Up to Date World’s Transistors-Diodes Thyristors & ics Comparison Tables a…..z, Tech Publ, 2001
- VHDL : Analysis and Modelling of Digital Systems, Navabi, Zainalabedin, MC Graw Hill, 1998
- Video Dialtone Technology : Digital Video Over ADSL, HFC, FTTC and ATM, Damel, Minoli, Mc Graw Hill, 1995
- Visionary Architecture, Burden, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- VLSI Fabrication Principles : Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, Ghandi, Sorab Khushro, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
- Wide Area Network Performance and Optimization : Practical Strategies for Success, Lioyd-Evans, Robert, Wesley, 1996
- Wireless Information Networks, Pahlavan, Kaveh, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Wireless Networked Communications: Concepts Technology and Implementation, Bates, Regis j., Mc Graw Hill, 1995
- Numerical Modelling of Eddy Current, Andrej Krawczyk, Oxford Unive. Press, 1993
- Telkom Dictionary, Mc Graw Hill, 2000
- Voice and Speech Processing, Mc Graw Hill, 1987
- A Practical Guide to The Wiring Reluletion, Blackwell Science, 1999
- Power Station Instrumen, Butterworth, 1993
- Basic Electricity, Mc Graw Hill, 1992
- Architectures for Digital Signal Processing, Pirsch Peter, Wiley, 1998
- Konsep Dasar Pemrograman Bahasa C, Jogiyanto HM, Andi Offset, 1999
- Advances In Computer Vol II, Zelkowhz, V Marvin, Academic Press, 1995
- A Complete Programming Course, Holmes, Barrym John & Banlett Publisher, 1997
- Surface Mount Technology Terms & Concepts, Zarrow, Phil, Newnes, 1997
- Pengantar Fortran, Hutty, Roger/Moctar Darmawan, Erlangga, 1988
- Pascal By Example, Burd, Barry A, Sounders College Publishing, 1992
- Artificial Intellegent In Perspective, Bobrow, Daniel G, Elsevier Science Publisher, 1992
- Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Irwin, J David, PH, 1999
- Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, Holton, Souder College Publishing, 1994
- Semiconduntor Devicers Using Electronic Workbench, Borris, John P, Prentice Hall, 2000
- Basic Elctronics A Text-Lab Manual, Miller, Zbar, Malvino, Mc Graw Hill, 1994
- Step By Step Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft, 1999
- Alghorithmic Learning, Hutchinson, Alan, Oxford, 1994
- The SR Programming Language: Operating Systems Programming, Hartley, Stephen J, Oxford, 1995
- STL SCL: Automating With Step 7 in STL and SCL, Berger, Hans, Siemens, 2000
- LAD FBD: Automating With Step 7 in LAD and FBD, Berger, Hans, Siemens, 2000
- Artificial Intelegence and Learning Environment, Clancey, William J-Solloway, Elliot, MIT/Elsevier, 1990
- Optimal Control and The Calculus of Variations, Pinch, Ehid R, Oxford, 1993
- Building Automation Systems: A Practical Guide to Selection & Implementation, Eyke, Maurice, BSP Professional Book, 1988
- Artificial Intellegence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of The Future, Partridge, Derek, Toppan Company PTE, Ltd, 1998
- Computation of Special Functions, Zhang, Shangie, Wiley, 1996
- Applied Optimal Control: Optimization, Estimation, & Control, Bryson, Arthur E Jr, Yu-Chi, Taylor & Franas, 1975
- Industrial Control Handbook, Parr Andrew, Newnws, 2000
- Automation, Control and Complexity: an Integrated Approach, Samaf, T. Weyranch, J, Wiley, 2000
- Tata Bahasa Baku: Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan & Kebudayaan, Balai Pustaka, 1997
- Komposisi, Keraf, Gorys, Prof, Dr, Nusa Indah, 1997
- SMT: Soldering Handbook, Strauss, Rudolf, Newnes, 1998
- Fisika Jilid 1, Edisi ketiga, Silaban, Pantur, Erlangga, 1999
- Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems: A Practical Approach, Smith, Ronnie W, Hipp, D Richard, Oxford, 1994
- Artificial Life an Overview, Langton, Cristopher G, MIT Press, 1995
- Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 3- The Submicron Mosfet, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 1995
- Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 2- Process Integration, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 1990
- Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era: Volume 1- Process Technology, Wolf, S, Lattice Press, 2000
- Passive and Active Network Analysis and Synthesis, Budak, Aram, Waveland Press Inc, 1974
- Basic Circuit Theory, Charles A Desoer, Mc Graw Hill, 1969
- Semiconductor-Laser Physics, Sargent III, Koch, Chow, Springer, 1993
- Analog Electronics, Hickmah, Ian, Newnes, 1999
- Basic Electronics A Text Lab Manual, Miller, Malvino, Zbar, Mc Graw Hill, 1994
- Power Electronics Handbook, Mazda Fraidoon, Newnws, 1997
- Schaum’s Solved Problems Series: 2000 Solved Problems in Electronic, Cathey, Jimmie J, Mc Graw Hill, 1990
- Understand Electronics, Bishop, Owen, Newnws, 1999
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